狐Kon 的繁体中文本地化翻译:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/XoFKon/Lethal_Company_Traditional_Chinese_Localization/ 日文本地化翻译:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/JapaneseLocalization/Lethal_Company_Japanese_Localization/ B站 吹到江心的孤雪小本杰明儿 炸飞Victor大佬翻译的简体中文本地化:thunderstore...
永久小地图:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Tyzeron/Minimap/ 监控室老大爷: 头带摄像机(4人以上):thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/RickArg/Helmet_Cameras/ QoL: 待补充 内容性模组: 待补充 安装方法:使用r2modman或者Thunderstore Mod Manager模组管理工具安装并修改相应的cfg后缀的config文件,管理工具使...
OpenBepInEx/config/HDLethalCompany.cfgwith a text editor. 📃This mod maintains the vanilla rendering aspect ratioto avoid breaking any HUD elements. Calculate the value equivalent to your desired resolution ->DesiredResolutionWidth/860 CHANGELOG 🕗...
If you're using r2modman or the Thunderstore manager, your basic setup should look like this: Step 2: Finding the audio files If you want to replace an audio file, you need to know which sound you're actually replacing. For the sake of the guide, I'm going to try and find the au...
There is no real instructions to installing the mod pack should just be an easy download on the r2modman manager otherwise if there is an issue with installing the modpack there is always the profile code: 018cc888-ff19-40ba-2279-6b1159ce4635 ...
Uninstall it or this will not function. Credits: Dat1Mew for the updated logo! daisuu.__ for bug-testing! Installation Install BepInEx Unzip the zip to your Lethal Company/BepInEx folder. Thunderstore Manager / r2modman will also work. !!!EVERYONE needs this mod for it to work!!!Abou...