上限40人联机:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/bizzlemip/BiggerLobby/ 玩家人数增多时增加怪物数量:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/QuokkaCrew/MoreMonsters/ 2.本地化翻译: 狐Kon 的繁体中文本地化翻译:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/XoFKon/Lethal_Company_Traditional_Chinese_Localization/ 日文本...
MoreCompany v1.7.4 by notnotnotswipez A stable lobby player count expansion mod. With cosmetics! 搞团建!32人团,扫清一切牛鬼蛇神。 虽然默认是32人,但最大可以容纳50人。 作者自测稳定性比BiggerLobby要好,并且1-8人时没有任何问题,更多人时可能会UI不适配。 MoreItems v1.0.2 by Drakorle Changes ...
MoreCompany / BiggerLobby:This mod is trendy because it allows you to increase the number of players within Lethal Company. Enabling this mod increases the number of players who can join a single game session instead of the default four max settings. MoreCompany enables employees to experience m...
最多40人联机:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/bizzlemip/BiggerLobby/ 增加更多怪物以应对玩家增多:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/QuokkaCrew/MoreMonsters/ 本地化翻译: 繁体中文本地化翻译:thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/XoFKon/Lethal_Company_Traditional_Chinese_Localization/ 外观: 增加更多外观...
目前官方的房间设置最大为4人,只能透过安装模块(MOD)的方式来扩充人数,但要注意的是多人模块只能模块对模块玩家,没有安装模块的玩家是加入不了模块房间的,反之安装多人模块的人看不到没装多人模块的正常玩家房间。而现在流传的多人模块有Bigger Lobby至多20人,再者还有More Company至多32人相对稳定一些,如果4人对于...
目前官方的房间设置最大为 4 人,只能透过安装模块(MOD)的方式来扩充人数,但要注意的是多人模块只能模块对模块玩家,没有安装模块的玩家是加入不了模块房间的,反之安装多人模块的人看不到没装多人模块的正常玩家房间。而现在流传的多人模块有 Bigger Lobby 至多 20 人,再者还有 More Company 至多 32 人相对稳定...
Even thoughLethal Companyshould be played with four players, playerscan install the MoreCompany Modor theBiggerLobbymod to play with more than the 4-player limit inLethal Company. The best part of it? Proximity chat works regardless of the amount of players in the lobby. Just be prepared for...
BiggerLobby causes so that the pointers don't seem to work for me. I am using your table from page 1. Ah okay no problem there, I'll install the mod and try to get out an alternate version compatible, but I'm expecting a game update to break my table in he next coming days as...
Ok, so I just tested my cheat table withr2modman + LC_API 1.4.2 + BepInExPack 5.4.2100 + BiggerLobby 2.2.60 + LateCompany 1.0.4 + Not_So_Brutal_Company 1.2.3 + MikesTweaks 1.8.2, and only one AOB was unreliable. Others match perfectly. Will push an update later. ...
’ll know when Brutal Company is running in the background by looking in the bottom left corner of the main menu screen. If the main menu shows the version followed by “mod,” it means that Brutal Company is working on the game. This mod can run alongside other mods likeBiggerLobby....