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In this magisterial take on how forests can save the planet from our worst endeavours, the German forester warns us against the hubris of tree planting. For their forest wisdom is greater than ours. Planting is usually bad, a 'giant PR operation.' Instead, he says, the world needs the ...
This book will give you an overview of roughly 500 years of passport history. These pages contain insights on selected, rare examples of travel documents from the past, including extinct countries, fantastic stories, and astonishing passport photos. Identification papers, until the 14th century, were...
Now I see the wisdom in it. The most important thing for your children right now, by far, is for them to enjoy learning. The joy of learning is a child’s natural state. As a parent, your primary job is to keep yourself from stomping it out. But our parental fears can push us i...
If you like UMLet, visit us onFacebook, or maybe star it on theVS Code Marketplaceor theEclipse Marketplace! (You can also sponsor UMLet viaGithub,Patreon, orPaypal. Obliged!) Main Download Screenshots More Sample Diagrams FAQ Eclipse Plugin Info ...
It’s sad to say, but the world is full of folks who are ready to take money from us moony-eyed writers who simply want to get our words out there. So how do you spot a scam? You can spot these “publishers” by how eager they are to publish your book. Their process is simple...
Skill Level: Intermediate, size: Medium (Adult, Woman). The price you see at the top of the page is for the recommended Lion Brand yarn…scroll down a bit to find the free pdf download. Source: Dad Joke Socks A masculine pair that promises not to be super boring to mak...
This chapter discusses participatory visual methods and their application in different social science research settings for the purpose of engaging individuals and communities in reflecting on and advocating for their subjective perspectives. We introduce the participatory visual methods photo interview and pho...
The two ideas that Mason considered important in math —rightnessandreason— are connected. It is our reasoning that convinces us an answer is right or wrong. How do we know we got a sum correct? We can take the numbers apart and add them another way, to see if we get the same answe...
look after them and the tree they grow from. But they don’t belong to us. Dragons belong to themselves. Q3: Any plans for more books? A3:The fourth book ‘The Boy Who Dreamed of Dragons’ is coming out in June and then in January 2021 there will be a fifth book, ‘The Boy Who...