Dashes to the kitchen for a beer, keg tapped out, nothing in the fridge as they await the bridge financing to take them to the other side and he has done it, DONE IT, you-centric Nirvana and whoever — his co-founder, the Board, the VCs — will figure out the monetization shit cuz...
two points down the option (3) where we might move back to Italy soonish AND eventually start the naturalization process without a real job (not cool for them), and a single point down the option (4) “succeed or die trying” for not having a real job at passport time. ...
Score points not by killing them but by collecting crates, each of which has a new weapon for you, though some are much better than others. Let any of the monsters past you and into the fire below, and they respawn more potent than before. Repeat this formula and enjoy ad infinitum....