这次 Let's Encrypt CA 的 PKI 体系除了新增了新中间证书外还增加了使用 ECC 签名的 ISRG Root X2,自签的同时也有 ISRG Root X1 背书,由此根签发了 E1 这款同样使用 ECC 签名的中间证书,现今对 Let's Encrypt 的证书请求将由 R3 签出 RSA、E1 签出 ECC(尚未开放)...
使用wget下载文件时,报了一个错误,浏览器打开检查证书,发现证书没过期。联想起前段时间Let's Encrypt更换了根证书,那应该就是这个问题了。 报错信息: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # wget https://dl.ll00.cn/v2ray-linux-64.zip--2021-11-0311:55:26--https://dl.ll00.cn/v2ray-linux-64.zip Resolving ...
内容要点 一、问题描述 二、解决方案 一、问题描述 ERROR: cannot verify xxx certificate, issued by ‘/C=US/O=Let’s Encrypt/CN=R3’:use `--no-check-certif 当我们使用wget命令下载不安全的https 域名下的内容时会提示如下内容: 二、解决方案 sudo yum install -y ca-certificates 1. 再尝试使用wget...
错误: 无法验证 get.jenkins.io 的由 “/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3” 颁发的证书: 颁发的证书已经过期。 要以不安全的方式连接至 get.jenkins.io,使用“--no-check-certificate”。 问题解决 sudo yum install -y ca-certificates
使用wget时报错:cannot verify xxx certificate, issued by '/C=US/O=Let\'s Encrypt/CN=R3':Issued certificate has expired. 说明目标网站证书过期了,在使用wget命名最后加上:--no-check-certificate就可以了
mod_md will use that email address when registering your domains at Let's Encrypt. And they will try to contact you with important news, should the need arise. So, make sure this is a real address that you monitor!If you want to be registered and contacted different email address, ...
ERROR: cannot verify xxx certificate, issued by ‘/C=US/O=Let’s Encrypt/CN=R3’:,今天在使用wget来下载下载一个不安全的https域名下的内容时会提示如下内容:cannotverifypkg.jenkins.io'scertificate,issuedby‘/C=US/O=Let'sEncrypt/CN=R3’Issuedcertificatehase
Note that many (all major) root certificate stores haveISRG Root X1included. So it's very possible to build a valid chain from R3 to the ISRG Root X1 in the trust stores. I've researched this some more and Let's Encrypt should work if you loadISRG Root X1and defineWOLFSSL_ALT_CERT_...
R3 和 Let's Encrypt Authority X3 一样,由 DST ROOT X3 和 ISRG Root X1 共同背书,ISRG Root X2 由 ISRG Root X1 背书,而 E1 仅由 ISRG Root X2 背书 1. 是CRL和OCSP都变了,原因是Let's Encrypt现在域名太长, 缩短点可以节省包大小(为站长省流量费) ...
cannot verify pkg.jenkins.io'scertificate, issued by ‘/C=US/O=Let'sEncrypt/CN=R3’ Issued certificate has expired.Toconnecttopkg.jenkins.io insecurely,use`--no-check-certificate'. 我们的解决方法是安装一个ca-certificates包 Copy Highlighter-hljs ...