135. “I’ve gone seventy-nine hours without sleep, creating. When that flow is going, it’s almost like a high. You don’t want it to stop. You don’t want to go to sleep for fear of missing something.”– Dr. Dre 136. “Sunny days wouldn’t be so special, if it wasn’t ...
let the, sun shine to the moonlight, clear my mind, soul search, see what ifind if i begin, the best lover and friend, am i bein', the best daddy i can? i pray i am, and i feel good to day, remeness, as im cruisin' around the way ...
Insider opinion on this is it Hi guys I w 分享461 莎莉霍金斯吧 CatherineC1104 【S.H.→☆访谈】《达格南制造》Movieline采访 分享27赞 战争片吧 SOUL迪尔🐷 Sky movies评出的世界100最佳战争片skymovies是由英国天空电视台经营的收费电视电影频道的总称,率属于英国天空广播公司,他大约拥有500万观众,通过卫...
Take some time out from the mostly bad movies you make and look into viable Democratic or Independent candidates for upcoming elections. Work for them, contribute. Anybody can say “Fuck you!” There, I said it. And it means shit. (Since we’re in that mood.) Your expletive conveyed not...
Solar (Intro) Lyrics by Choice37 Composed by Choice37, Tae Yang Arranged by Choice37 I think it's time to let the sun shine J 分享92赞 我是小又纯洁的小又...吧 鸡蛋不翻✨ 【歌词】bigbang的音译歌词鸡涌镇楼 分享41赞 萨格拉斯吧 贴吧用户_0AA11Gt 魔兽世界 岩石大厅 副本对话布莱恩:...
122. Riddle:A bridge in a hollow And a hundred going over it No blacksmith, nor mason, nor carpenter built it. Answer:Frozen river 123. Riddle:Some are used for fabric And some are used for hair Some are used for paper And one is called a pair ...