Whether to HTML is escaped. Split New Line splitNewLine boolean Whether new lines are split. Modules modules array of string The modules. Source Pure source_pure string The pure source. Project ID projectId string The project identifier. Sentences sentences array of object Source sent...
本页面是用各人造语言翻译冰雪奇缘中的“Let It Go”歌曲。 Disney's Frozen "Let It Go" Sequence Performed by Idina Menzel
Whether to HTML is escaped. Split New Line splitNewLine boolean Whether new lines are split. Modules modules array of string The modules. Source Pure source_pure string The pure source. Project ID projectId string The project identifier. Sentences sentences array of object Source sent...
The heat resistant pair of gloves is made from silicon. The pair of gloves helps you in cooking/baking/washing. It is very comfortable to use. You can use in when you are using your micro wave oven, pots and grill. The heat resistant pair of gloves is ice and snow removal. You can...
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen Taraus cemer i'kiril fasmauj pasjaun(Raxas) Xleves eh tacabr(Raxas) Sneigs alboï kande ínogterinòï pi keri Inge lorgs ógec A kingdom of isolation ...
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen Un royaume de solitude, ma place est là, pour toujours. Der Wind, er heult so wie der Sturm ganz tief in mir Het werd mij te veel, hoe ’k mijn best ook deed 别让他们进来看见, 做好女孩, 就像你的从前 Vis...
self-doubts. As is said in a popular meme, “Everything you desire is located on the other side of Fear.” We are capable of far more than we can imagine. There are no limits except those we impose upon ourselves. Age has nothing to do with possibilities –who is too old to dream...
IS AN ALIEN!!! 3.2万播放 [l just wanna dance/meme/south park/creek] 2.1万播放 【初音ミク】IMAWANOKIWA【いよわ】【中文CC字幕】 25.4万播放 【初音ミク/MV/中译版】腐女忏悔录/Confessions of a Rotten Girl(BY:SAWTOWNE ) 136.2万播放 【sp/农夫果园】槌中心的苦巧克力装饰,有一点点的creek 1.4...
Returning a lost wallet is a good deed. (Uma boa obra, ação)Or slang for having sex. hallmark any mark or symbol of genuineness or high quality (marcante: hallmark movie) filme marcante To sled - sledded, sledded/ sledding the activity of sliding over snow and ice on a long ...
When I was told this, I thought, “Well, sure, right. One of those.” The question is, one of what? Have I actually seen this snowflake before? My gut tells me I could make a lexicon of these and that such a lexicon is sitting in my brain right now. A commenter on this site...