Let him cook!! 让他做饭 !#Ma3colm #翻腕 #拜佛 - 卡米然Ma3colm于20240521发布在抖音,已经收获了584.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
“LET HIM COOK!”今天是“大厨”格纳布里28岁的生日🎂—— 格纳布里为拜仁共出场218次,打进81球,贡献51个助攻,连续5个赛季的进球数均上双,他也是拜仁在2019/20赛季加冕欧冠冠军的重要功臣。 你觉得格纳布里在新赛 - 梅西Love-Messi10于20230714发布在抖音,已经收
“Let Him Cook” 是“Let Somebody Cook” 这一短语的变体之一。查阅柯林斯网络词典,“Let Him Cook”是Z时代出现的新式短语,意义为“让某人继续做某事,尽管事情状况可能非同寻常或者有着不太清晰的结果。 (A Gen-Z phrase meaning let someone continue what they are doing even if it seems unusual or has...
根叔 Let Him Cook! | Q1 已是过去式 Q2 Let's gooooo! 发布于 2023-07-22 22:29・IP 属地美国 赞同 15 分享 收藏 写下你的评论... 暂无评论 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 更专业的大咖答主 更深度的互动交流 ...
外网评价Keria“..不理解let him cook的看这里,找了个外网的解释。翻译过来大致是这样:让他做饭意味着让某人继续他们的策略。例如,前海鹰队四分卫拉塞尔·威尔逊曾抱怨球投得不够多。“#lethimcook”标签开始
Let him cookis also used in memes that include the phrase or a variation of it, such aswho let him cook, let that boy cook, orHold up…let him cook. The meme may use the phrase seriously or jokingly, as when implying that someone is going to do something stupid, do something unimpr...
【Lethimdosome__(cook)为什么填cooking,】 Lethimdosome__(cook)为什么填cooking, 6回答2020-11-1221:27我要回答 提示:回答问题需要登录哦! 提交陈园 cooking 2020-11-12 21:28:15 陈园 dosomecooking做饭固定搭配,还经常出现dosomeshopping购物 2020-11-12 21:31:42 孙戈里 我知道填cooking但...
【传说之下/优质3D动画】意面时间 - Let Him Cook! 68岁野生菜比大瓜子 关注 专栏/【传说之下/优质3D动画】意面时间 - Let Him Cook! 【传说之下/优质3D动画】意面时间 - Let Him Cook! 2023年03月12日 21:55115浏览· 7点赞· 0评论 视频地址: 【传说之下/优质3D动画】意面时间 - Let Him Cook!
What does “let him cook” mean? 1.It refers to someone who has the ability to accomplish what they’re doing, and all they need is enough time to do it. 2.By using the phrase “let him cook,” others are encouraged to trust the person in charge, indicating that there is no need...
so they "let him cook."For example, if someone posted a really good song, someone might commen...