For believing in God, you have not to go to a crowded temple. Seek a temple where silence exists.Use your mind as a ladder and enter inside your body. Listen to your soul. Feel it.You will be able to see a world within you where all organs are working continuously as like time is...
by casting them all as prologue to the coming-of-age that plays out in the last few pages. That’s how bildungsroman works, and once you get there, he does seem, in retrospect, to have written one. I can’t deny that I
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, "Let God be exalted!" 耶和華啊,我投靠你;求你叫我永不羞愧!求你憑你的公義搭救我,救拔我;側耳聽我,拯救我!求你作我常住的磐石;你已經命定要救我,因為你是我的巖石,我的山寨。主─耶和華啊...
And above all—never, ever, go into Red Wood. These are the rules Latavia’s aunt tells her as soon as she arrives in Sanctum, Alabama for the summer. Weird, but Latavia isn’t here to solve any scary small town mysteries; she’s here for six weeks and six weeks only, and then...
Scripture”as well as my YouTube channel“4:11 Sounds Of Peace”which is dedicated to Bible meditation. There you will find creative and effective ways to study the Bible and draw closer to God through prayer as well as Bible trivia and other fun ways to engage with the Word of God. ...
LTRP Note:As we witness the distressing events happening all around us, let those who name the name of Jesus Christ and put their trust in Him pray that God’s Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ would go forth, that hearts would be softened, and that many would turn their lives over...
* Go do some activities *that’s another option * Mind blowing 开眼界 *Thought spirals 思想黑洞/死角 *pick up my Bible and read it 拿起圣经读圣经 *listen to your breath 聆听你的呼吸 *meditation 冥想(这边很盛行,还有meditationclass)、 ...
With white musk, it is probably a mix of quantity issues and body chemistry but far too many perfume houses go overboard with the note, imo. MFK is one that really loves the “clean, fresh” genre as a general aesthetic, though it’s hardly the only one. And, to my dismay, the Mid...
At the end of my security shift I would go to The Coffee House and balance the books. My college days were full of entrepreneurial stories of this sort. When my friends and I couldn’t get the gym to give us space for our informal games of indoor soccer, we considered our options. ...