建立者 rntangiri 5個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 French months 12個詞語 Elementary French (Nov 6-10, 2024) 老師6個詞語 Ready to test practice Exam 167個詞語 Fr 1 Unit 5 Oral Assessment questions and answers CHS
partir to leave passer to pass by, w avoir=spent time rentrer to return, w avoir=to bring rester to stay retourner to return, w avoir=turned over revenir to come back sortir to go out, w avoir=to take out tomber to fall venir to come關於...
ItsSundayafternoon.Theycomeoutofthestation,andaskapasser-by fordirections. LiMing:Excuseme,madam,WearelookingforChengming Bookstore.Canyoushowustheway? Woman:Oh,godownZhongshanEastRoad.Turnrightatthetraffic lights.Themuseumwillbeonyourright.Thengostraight ...
French III ACCP 2024 Semester One Final Exam - Study Guide 119個詞語 vivilulu13 預覽 Réseau chapter 1: La famille 74個詞語 sh0298 預覽 FRE1 - Les loisirs 老師72個詞語 MmeMcDermott 預覽 🇫🇷Week 6 P1 — Accomodations 15-min French🇫🇷 老師23個詞語 pshimrone 預覽 French Reflexive ...
delius bio exam 4 2024 101個詞語 kauffmankassie 預覽 Field Crop Insects test 3 234個詞語 joshdeaton02 預覽 Invertebrates 12個詞語 meh3521 預覽 Biol 112 Seely Final Exam Review 54個詞語 cwtsosu 預覽 Trichinellids & Dioctophyme renale 107個詞語 acarter118 預覽 BIO 554 Passeriformes: Passerelid...
學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 jogging 選擇正確的詞語 1 le jogging 2 je vais aller 3 Le voile 4 pendant 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(26) je vais aller I'm going to go Je vais voyager I am going to travel Je vais passer I'm going to spend Pâques Easter pendant during Le vacances ...
Libertarian Memes: September 2024 老師9個詞語 MoribundMurdoch 預覽 French OJP 12 6個詞語 pineappleperson888 預覽 Dialog 2 5個詞語 joubenslouis7 預覽 Business exam review 35個詞語 calebbowls 預覽 Quelle heure est-il? 25個詞語 WhiteTiger43940 預覽 french practice 1 56個詞語 XAVIER_PIERRE-CANEL 預...
21 學生們也學習了 CHIN 102 Exam 9 10個詞語 maggiemeulbroek 預覽 Chinese 101 final oral exam 20個詞語 The-Truth1 預覽 CH 16 Senteces 10個詞語 imapwn321 預覽 Mandarin 350-Review dictation quiz 6個詞語 meadc26 預覽 Go Far with Chinese - Ch. 2.3, Go Far Ch. 2.2 Vocab, Go Far with ...
Faire un tour à pied To take a walking tour Faire un tour à vélo To take a bike tour Faire un tour à cheval To take a horseback tour Faire une randonnée To go hiking Aller â la peche To go fishing Partir Go Passer To spend (time) Rentrer To come back關於...
Pass may be thrown provided passer's feet are on or behind A scrimmage line. Only 1 FWD pass per down. IF IN DOUBT, passer is behind A scrimmage line. Illegal FWD Pass Illegal if: 1. Passers foot is beyond A scrimmage line. (S35 and S9). ...