B:Yes,wecanmakeittogether. A:OK. A.Whatfooddoyouhaveforlunch B.Doweneedsomesoup C.Doyouhavelunch D.Howabouthavingsomefruit E.Howdoesittaste 三、补全对话单选 A:Excuseme.I’mnewhere.I’mafraidIgetlost.Couldyouhelpme B:Ofcourse. A:I’mgoingtoXinhuaBookstore. B:Youcanjustwalkalongthestre...
简介:您正在观看的是小学英语教学视频课例视频【 小学英语自然拼读课例Let's make popcorn 优质课教学视频,2024年广东省小学英语教育戏剧展演活动.mp4 】。小学英语自然拼读课例Let's make popcorn 优质课教学视频,2024年广东省小学英语教育戏剧展演活动.mp4-本视频为小学英语自然拼读课例,内容围绕制作爆米花展开...
简介:您正在观看的是小学英语教学视频课例视频【人教版四年级Unit6 Shopping A Let's talk 教学视频+教案+PPT课件-第九届小学英语课堂教学观摩培训视频】。人教版四年级Unit6 Shopping A Let's talk 教学视频+教案+PPT课件-第九届小学英语课堂教学观摩培训视频,如果您觉得该视频很不错请别忘了将该视频进行转发,...
-Parents,wewouldloveforyoutogetinvolvedinyourchildslearning.YoucanhelpthempracticeEnglishbyreadingtogetherorwatchingeducationalvideos. -反馈与交流:学生在完成拓展活动后,可以在下一堂课与同学分享他们的学习成果,进行交流和学习。 -Nexttimewemeet,Iwouldlikeyoutosharewhatyouhavelearnedfromtheextensionactivitieswithyour...
30. Their parents love (他们) very much. 31. Look ! Tony and Bob are (在那边). 32. Tony is very (开心的) today because it is his birthday. 33. Mr Liu is our (英语) teacher. He is friendly to students. 34.--Is this your (教室), Jack --Yes, it is. 35.Most girls like ...
A:Hi,Lily!Ihaveanidea.Letsplanatriptogether. B:Thatsoundsgreat!Wheredoyouwanttogo? A:Iwanttogotothebeach.Ilovethefeelingofthesandundermyfeet. B:Metoo!Andwecanplayvolleyballandswimintheocean. A:Yes,itwillbesomuchfun.Icantwait! 5.根据以下信息,编写一段关于你笔友的日记,包括他的名字、你们见面的...
(1) Improve their understanding of sports and their love for sports. (2)Improve students’ cooperation. Key points (1): New words: walking, really, bowl, time, tennis, volleyball, enjoy (2): New phrases: many times a day, goswimming,walkto, enjoy doingsth (3): New sentences: Do you...
Anyways the idea is that I am looking for MEMBERS who either have FAMILY or GAMING GROUPS (with Friends) that get together at least ONCE a MONTH. If I can find 3 to 4 of these people... That would be FANTASTIC! Realize that you will be getting FREE "Prototypes" and that your sole...
Or maybe you are worried that your friends will take sides and start pitching in with "I told you so".' Five years ago, Amanda, a 34-year-old architect, broke up with her fiance Sam. They had been together for most of their 20s. 'I had fallen out of love with Sam and decided ...
Title: Let's Stay Together I, I'm so in love with you Whatever you want to do Is all right with me 'Cause youmake me feel so brand new And I want to spend my li切小露肥fe with you Since, since we've been tog讲然洋头迅蛋短ether ...