Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you will come back to learn more about the Bible. BibleClubKids 2 Kings – Malachi Daniel Interprets the King’s Dream Daniel Reads the Writing on the Wall Elijah Challenges the Prophets of Baal ...
This first worksheet can be used to illustrate the story of Elijah and the third captain of fifty men who received mercy .( it was posted yesterday, Dec. 28. ) The scripture I have chosen for this story is Micah 7:18 and I hope you have the kids write this after coloring the page....
Our music programs for kids in Bayside are designed to get students on stage performing, with the goal of building strong musical proficiency. Younger students at School of Rock Queens who have participated in the Rookies program can move to our Rock 101 music program once they’re ready. Addi...
Elijah Goes Home Jonah and the Big Fish Shadrach and the Fiery Furnace CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW TESTAMENT VOLUMES 5-8 Volume 5 Jesus the Messiah Early Years Zechariah and the Angel Gabriel Mary and the Angel Gabriel Jesus is Born ...
Getting people — and kids, in particular — to read and write has long been a passion of mine. You may remember my post,Reading Tricks for Kids of Any Age, originally written for Mom’s Favorite Reads. Well, I recently came acrossan article by Abigail Elijah of Knowledge Isle with 20...
Really Radical Book for Kids Leave a Comment/March 11, 2023 Champ Thornton released his first book in this series, The Radical Book for Kids, nearly nine years ago. Our family enjoyed this book. It was a unique take on theology, Church history, science, history, and random fun facts and...
Chris has three kids and happens to be married to his best friend, Leigh. He currently pastors a church on the north side of Cincinnati. When he's not pastoring or blogging (, he runs a real estate company in his "spare" time (www.PlumTreeRealty...
Our music programs for kids in Chicago are designed to get students on stage performing, with the goal of building strong musical proficiency. Younger students at School of Rock Chicago who have participated in the Rookies program can move to our Rock 101 music program once they’re ready. Add...
Easter Songs for Preschool Children– watch video demonstrations Video “My God Is So BIG” Song for Preschool Children– Toddlers and young kids will love this song about their BIG God. Watch the video demonstration and you will be ready to teach this song on Sunday. ...
Elijah January 24, 2012 at 2:47 am Most important is the motion, make sure you really do understand it! check back to the vid if you have any doubts. Try fiddling with your spring tension, drum beater angle (if your pedal has this function) but above all else, GIVE IT PRACTISE/...