Into The Arms of Jesus: Deenie McKeever's Lessons Learned From Dancing Through Nine Decades of American Life In this Inspirational People interview on the Share Life podcast, I'm speaking with Deenie McKeever. Deenie McKeever, 86, is one of the few friends I made soon after moving to...
I have embraced a lesson taught to me by a good friend, I’ve learned to “Let go or get dragged.” I learned that there is only so much energy I am given each day, and I’m not going to waste it on the small stuff. I’ve learned that waking up each morning is not a give...
your eyes off the people who are not cooperating and supporting you as you think you deserve. Place your eyes on Jesus, the Lamb who was freshly slain, and as He becons you with His nailed scarred hands, drown out all the noise from the crowd around you as He pleads, “Follow me....
From this experience I learned that when God gives us these small spiritual boosts, we should struggle with all our might to safeguard them with prayer and watchfulness. For they may well go away, with or without negligence, but it’s always better if we do all we can to keep them. Eve...
yet antithetical to the gospel. My aim was to consider the thoughts and things of this world that we must let go of in order to follow Jesus. The purpose of this book, then, is to take the next step. I want to move from what we let go of to whom we hold on to. I want to ...
Abraham’s “leadership by example” provides a template for business leaders to implement a tone at the top based on a balance of tzedek (r
will come and worship the LORD on the holy mountain in Jerusalem." (27:12-13) Jesus prophesied this day as well: "And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." (Matthew 24:31...
I don't really make any New Year'sresolutionsanymore because I learned early on that when I did, I never really followed through with theresolution. Captions 2-4,Ashley Tisdale: Happy New Year! Play Caption One reason people don't succeed with their resolutions is that they make unreasonable...
yet antithetical to the gospel. My aim was to consider the thoughts and things of this world that we must let go of in order to follow Jesus. The purpose of this book, then, is to take the next step. I want to move from what we let go of to whom we hold on to. I want to ...
Gem really isn’t much into jumping and she counts any hesitation on my part as a good excuse to just not do it. She is the queen of dirty stops and run outs. I’ve learned to really sink my heels down, look up and away from the jump and push her on. All that takes all my ...