English lesson plans: Free EFL/ESL lesson handouts (480 so far), online activities and handouts for teaching and learning listening.
Many companies are taking new measures that focus on employee well-being, but is it enough? Elementary Business: Empowering Refugees Read with your elementary-level students about a social enterprise that gives refugee women the skills to succeed in the workplace. ...
Many people are angry at Mr Schultz's plans. Trump supporters have asked people to (7) ___ Starbucks coffee shops. They say that Mr Schultz should be doing more to help the 40,000 unemployed military veterans in the USA instead (8) ___ refugees. Starbucks said it has already (9) _...
Celebrate Juneteenth in the classroom. Explore Juneteenth activities and lesson plans for elementary, middle school, and high school students.
"This guide aims to support people who have to work and communicate in the English language as part of this colonial legacy." The guide focuses on inclusivity for the disabled, the LGBTQIA+ community, migrants, refugees, and others. Suggested language changes include avoiding "colonial" phrases ...
Starbucks plans to employ 10,000 refugees Half a million at Washington D.C. Women's March January 2017 Scientists say end of world is 30 seconds closer Cats are just as clever as dogs, says study Worries about microplastics in our seafood City plans to plant 3 million trees Ants use the...
They know they are going to face a terrible flow of refugees if nothing is done to prevent this humanitarian disaster. …he was always showing off. (2) Draw the students’ attention to the use of continuous tenses to express strong approval or disapproval. E.g. He is always making fun ...
In Britain,a collision with the Parliament could ruin the government's plans. ;在英国,政府与议会的 冲突可能使政府的计划 破产. decline vi.下降,减少;衰退, 衰落;谢绝,拒绝 vt.谢绝,拒绝 n.下降,减少,衰退 Babylon was an empire that had declined. ;巴比伦是业已衰落的 帝国. ...
In this lesson, students learn language related to human rights law and the law of the sea by discussing issues related to refugees and migrants searching for safety or a better life. by Susan Iannuzzi 60 min The white stuff Upper-intermediate (B2-C1) Students describe a process in an...
Refugees Lesson Plan Population Density Activities for High School Population Density Lesson Plan Census Lesson Plan for Elementary School World Population Lesson Plan Population Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts Population Lesson Plan for Elementary School Census Lesson for Kids California Population Growt...