六年级下册 - Unit16_Yesterday_Today_and_Tomorrow(Lesson...(下)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 yesterday evening 昨天晚上 last night 昨晚 The day before yesterday (前天) the day before yesterday in the morning 前天上午 the day before yesterday in the afternoon 前天下午 the day before yesterday in the evening 前天晚上 ...
人教新起点六年级下册英语 Unit16Yesterday,today,andtomorrowLesson94 machine[mə'∫i:n]machine honingmachinesowingmachinetenteringmachinepulpingmachinepulverizingmachineinterpolemachineriflingmachinemachine-cuttinmachine Lift[lift]Lift adeadlift(不用机械)硬搬需要全力以赴的难事givesb.alift让某人搭车帮某人一把on...
Examples of Adverbs in this category are:again, early, never, now, often, soon, then, today, tomorrow. Adverbs in this category are usually placedat the beginningorend of a sentence. Examples are: o I phoned youyesterday. o I saw hera few months ago. oLast weekI saw them walking toget...
今天(today):What are your plans for today?(你今天有什么计划?)昨天(yesterday):I went to the park yesterday.(我昨天去了公园。)明天(tomorrow):We have a meeting tomorrow.(我们明天有个会议。)上午(in the morning):He has a class in the morning.(他上午有一节课。)下午(in ...
Let's talk about your future plan.我们来谈一下你未来的计划吧。 While my future husband was washing the dishes, I was reading a novel. 当我未来的丈夫在洗碗的时候,我正在读一本小说。 in the future在将来 She plans to study abroad in the future....
Lesson Plan Here is a quick overview of time expressions used with specific tenses including examples and explanations. Days of the Week Days of the week can be used with most tenses in English. Notice that all days of the week are capitalized: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday...
昨天早上、中午、晚上:yesterday morning/afternoon/evening 昨天夜间:last night 今天:today 今天早上、中午、晚上:this morning/afternoon/evening 今天夜间:tonight 明天:tomorrow 明天早上、中午、晚上:tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening 明天夜间:tomorrow night ...
昨天:yesterday 昨天早上、中午、晚上:yesterday morning/afternoon/evening 昨天夜间:last night 今天:today 今天早上、中午、晚上:this morning/afternoon/evening 今天夜间:tonight 明天:tomorrow 明天早上、中午、晚上:tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening 明天夜间:tomorrow night 后天:the day after tomorrow 后天...
新概念英语第二册课件Lesson18 Lesson18 Heoftendoesthis!Pepper DailyProverb Knowtheenemyandknowyourself,andyoucan fightahundredbattleswithnodangerofdefeat.知己知彼,百战不殆 NewWords1 leave v.离开 v.留下常表示某物落在/忘在某地。你最好留下你的地址和电话号码。You'dbetterleaveyouraddressandtelephone...