Backward Design Lesson Plan Template.docx 热度: 教案模板(Lessonplantemplate) Standardformattemplates Title(class) instructionalobjective Thearrangementofteaching(teachingcontents,methodsand means) 1,theoldcoursereview(time) 2,thenewcurriculum(time)
lesson plan templatedocx:教案templatedocx_英语_初中教育_教育专区。---最新资料推荐--- ---最新资料推荐--- lesson plan templatedocx:教案 templatedocx Subject: Math Date
Lesson Plan Template :教案模板 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: TESOL Resource Center – Resource Templates and Guidelines 1 Lesson Plan Template + ++ +++++ Title Coherence and Cohesion in Academic Writing Author Lilian Farag Allah Proficiency level ___ Beginning _____ Intermediate...
Plan1:Knowyourstudentsinordertoplanyourinstructioneffectively.CLE1:Buildarespectful,learning-‐focusedclassroomcommunity. Plan2:Setthrough-‐courseandend-‐of-‐coursegoals.CLE2:Developclassroomproceduresandroutine. Plan3:Createoradaptstandards-‐basedinstructionalplansandassessmentsCLE3:Useclassroomspaceandresource...
Tips for using the Microsoft Word Lesson Plan Template: • First, remember that the copy and paste tool is a teacher’s best friend. Oftentimes, things like materials are the same for multiple lessons. • Second, if a student or students have behavior plans or reward systems per IEP, ...
Business-plan-template 全英商业计划书模板 热度: Reflections and Line Symmetry Lesson Plan 6 th Grade Mathematics Type of Lesson: Daily Strand: Geometry AKS: #26: identify and defend line and point symmetry 26a – investigate rotational symmetry, including degree of rotation ...
Template for ESL/TEFL Lesson Plans in MS WordFile Type:MS Word Template (.dot)Required:Microsoft Office Word 2003 or later View details >>Lesson Plan Content My blank lesson plan templates are generic and are not aimed at any particluar type of teacher, trainer, instructor or activity. ...
教案模板(Lesson plan template)Standard format templates Title (class)instructional objective The arrangement of teaching (teaching contents, methods and means)1, the old course review (time)2, the new curriculum (time)3, the new lesson summary (time)task Teaching Postscript Plan (home)Course Na...
lesson plan template - tesol international:教案模板- tesol国际... 上传人:sanwanzhiyue·上传时间:2016-01-07 1/7 0% 0% 继续阅读
小学教学备课教案LessonPlanTemplate 小学教学备课教案 教案基本信息: 课题: 年级: 课时数: 教学目标: 教学重点: 教学难点: 教学资源准备: 教学方式: 课堂组织: 时间安排: 教学目标: 1.明确所教课程的知识和技能目标,并确保学生了解目标。 2.利用适当的教学方式和资源使学生能够积极参与课堂活动。 3.发展学生的...