choose a certain type of pet to focus on for each day of the week. Say, dogs on Monday, cats on Tuesday, fish on Wednesday and so on. Or you might simply choose to lump all pets together into one lesson plan pot! The choice is yours, just be sure to have fun as this will be...
This unit of lesson plans about spring for preschoolers includes over 20 lesson plans for you to use in your home or classroom. The downloadable unit contains a detailed overview of how to use the lesson plan book, as well as book ideas, song ideas, and suggested concepts for the preschool...
Need inspiration for lesson planning? Explore 27+ lesson plan examples and templates designed to help students reach their learning goals.
Determine how you can motivate the class to be interested in learning what you are going to teach. Write this in your plan. Provide a challenge for the students. Put a humorous run-on sentence on the board. Ask the students why they should change this error. Try to elicit responses such...
projects and activities that revolve around dramatic play. It’s impossible for young children to memorize all the long names of these prehistoric creatures; preschoolers will pick up a few names on their own through stories and recordings. In your lesson plan, talk about related words such asbo...
There you have it. I spend my spare time, which I have precious little of, keeping all these things running. I have a plan, however. When my children depart (will they?), I intend to return to the skeleton of possessions I began with. No, I don't plan to be a martyr. But...
What’s Included In These Learning Colors Lesson Plans For Preschoolers: This color themed lesson plan unit includes over 20 lesson plans for you to use in your home or classroom. The downloadable unit contains a detailed overview of how to use the lesson plan book, as well as book ideas,...
Frompreschool craftideas for flower and trees to fine motor skill activities, these lesson plans are full of hands on kids learning projects! Young children learn best when they are active in their learning activities. With each lesson plan there are plenty of examples of how you can get your...
Children learn best when they are active in their learning activities. With each lesson plan there are plenty of examples of how you can get your child involved in the learning. While they are busy working on around the worldcrafts for preschool, engaging in fun dramatic play games, and inve...