2Writing an Aim Write your aim, or end goal of your lesson, at the top of the lesson plan. Avoid vague and difficult-to-assess words such as "understand" or "appreciate." Use SMART words like "design," "formulate," "practice" and "analyze." Describe your aim using active verbs to ...
In other words, what new knowledge and skills will they have at the end of the class? To promote deep understand and continual learning, choose objectives on a higher level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Read How to Write a Lesson Plan Objective ...
[英语学习]Unit 7 Lesson Plan and Lesson interpretation.ppt,Unit 7 Lesson Planning 备课的定义 广义的备课是对整个学期、学年、学程的教学的所有教学准备; 狭义的备课是指教师钻研课标、教材,了解学生的思想实际和学习实际,选择教学方法,安排教学进度和编写教案的全
Some examples are the words actually, especially, height and sure. (Write these words on the board and point to them as you say them.) Now, you are going to be doing a worksheet so that you can practice spelling words that do not follow rules. There is a list of words at the top ...
students are no strangers to the progress of current advanced science and technology, so under the infection of pictures and videos, students' empathy will soon be aroused, so as to have words and content to write.III.Teaching objectivesAt the end of this class, the students will be able to...
1442 Words Grammar Plagiarism Writing Score Teaching Adjectives to Grade VI pupils (through poem) A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH FOR GRADE VI PUPILS (FOR 4th GRADING PERIOD) By: ESMAELA DIANN B. MASCARDO I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the discussion, pupils will be able to: ...
•Structure:thepasttenseof"therebe"anditsquestionformandnegationform.(Thoughtherearealsosomeothergrammaticalstructuressuchastheobjectiveclause--Iguesstherewere...andadverbialclause--WhenIwasaboy,thereweren't...)theyarenotthefocusofthislesson •Vocabulary:focusonwordsdescribingtownsandcities:suchaschurch,mus...
Rhyming Words Lesson PlanAppleby, Sandra
Create the first of five lesson plans for children (Lesson Plan 1). Level: Kindergarten Topic: Rainbow colors Learning Objective: ①master the colors of rainbow ②sing “the rainbow song” ESL Competency: Beginners Classroom Procedure: Free Conversation: Ask the students to share their favorite ...