On the previous lessons students were learning the Present Perfect versus Past Perfect tense. This lesson will mostly review the use of tenses such as Simple Present, Simple Past, Past Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Progressive, and Past Perfect as anintroduction to Reported Speech.Carlos ...
Students will now recognize the present simple tense and be able to respond to simple questions. It's time to introduce the grammar. Use a present simple tense timeline on the board to stress the fact that this tense is used to express routines. I also like to use simple charts showing t...
Present Tense Lesson Plan Present Tense Verb Activities & Games Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Speaking Activities Progressive Verb Tense Activities Personal Pronouns Overview & Examples Create an account to start this course today Used by over 30 million students worldwide Create an account Explore...
Lesson Plan Aim:Conversation lesson focusing on the use of the past simple, present perfect, andpresent simple tenses Activity:Drawing diagrams as a support for conversation in pairs Level:Intermediate to advanced Read More Lesson Plan on Switching Between Present Perfect and Past Simple By Kenneth ...
Claire Treleaven's article and lesson plan is aimed at using alternative ways to present grammar to students with varied learning styles. What should I do with a very ambitious learner who, although at pre-intermediate level, wants to be presented with as many...
Lesson+Plan+for+Grade+6+English+Volume+2 LessonPlanforGrade6EnglishVolume2 汇报人:202X-12-18 目录 •Teachingobjectivesandrequirements •Teachingcontentandarrangement •Teachingmethodsandmeans•Teachingevaluationand feedback•TeachingReflectionand Improvement•Teachingresourcesandauxiliary 01 Teaching...
Carrin taught 3rd grade for ten years, worked as a learning specialist with K-5 students, and has a Master's degree in Elementary Education. Using proper grammar is a very important life skill. This lesson plan will help you teach your students about basic essential elements of grammar. Stud...
Our ESL interactive materials include: Online Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation Quizzes, Video Slides, Fun games and more. Download packs Here you will find zip files that contain a variety of lesson plan materials for ESL. We have PPT zip files, eBooks, Interactive CDs and more materials...
Present Progressive Lesson Plan Using Authentic Material Read More » Simple Past Lesson Plan Using the Communicative Approach Grammar Lesson Plan Simple past ESL lesson plan by Robert Huth – TESOL Certificate graduate Level of students: High Beginner Total class time: 90 min. Aims: · To introd...
UNIT1 LESSON LESSONLESSONLESSONLESSON TalkingwithOthers Whereareyoufrom?Givepersonalinformation Whatdoeshelooklike?Describepeople Roberto’sfamily Describefamilyrelationships llikesportsandmusic.Expresspreferences Whendoyoustudy?Planastudyschedule Review TeamProject Lesson Whereareyoufrom?GOAL...