Need inspiration for lesson planning? Explore lesson plan examples and templates designed to help students reach their learning goals.
Wondering how to write a lesson plan for your day or week? View lesson plan examples and tips from veteran teachers.
What is the format of a detailed online teaching lesson plan? There are many formats available, and often the company you work for will provide a format. They always include objectives, step-by-step activities, and information about the class and students. ...
Chapter5LessonPlanning5.1Guidelinesforlessonplanning5.2Stepsoflessonplanning5.3Formatofalessonplan5.4LessonplansampleObjectivesknowimportantguidelinesforlessonplanningunderstandhowlessonsareplannedstepbystepfollowtheformattoplanalesson appreciateandevaluatealessonplanUponcompletionofthischapter,youshouldbeableto:PART/01 Isit...
Example #2: Unit Lesson Plan Another way to plan your instruction is by using a unit lesson plan. With unit planning, you list all lesson objectives along with a projected completion time frame. Each unit offers certain activities and learning experiences using many types of learning that make...
TeachingobjectivesTeachingmethodsTeachinginstrumentsTeachingprocedures Conclusion Lessonplanmaybedifferentaccordingtotheteacher’spersonalstyle,thecontentofcourseandthedifferentkindsofteachingsubjects.不同的课型应用不同的授课方式或方法,只有确定了课型,才能选择有效的素质教育教学方法.例如新授课(New...
Objectives ■To help students learn to express attitudes, agreement & disagreement and certainty ■To help students learn to read the text and learn to write diaries in English ■To help students better understand “friendship” ■To help students learn to understand and use some important words ...
Lesson objectives: 1.Help the Ss. to have a good understanding of the relationship of the characters. 2.Develop the Ss' abilities of analyzing the relationship of the characters. Teaching aids: a recorder, a computer and VCD, etc.
For each student check one new word or phrase, for example: hold up an object or flashcard (such as an item of clothing) and ask, “What’s this?” ask a question from the lesson (e.g. “Where do you live?”, “Do you like bananas?”, “Can you play chess?”, etc.) When ...
Sample Plan I(one hour): Content to be covered: Visit to the doctor/pharmacist Objectives: Review vocabulary: parts of body, where to go to find something (type of store, where in store) Review grammar: command forms of verbs (“Take two aspirin every morning”) ...