武士的精神被称为“武士道”(Bushido)日文中,武士一词其本意是侍者,贴身随从。武士要遵守不畏艰难,忠于职守,精干勇猛。然而这一准则代表的只是理想,武士的忠诚、勇猛是建立在他所效忠的领主能对武士所作出的贡献给予奖赏的主从制度上。 PARA1 Mr.Bull 即John Bull,是约翰牛的意思。特指英国或英国人。在漫画家的...
武士的精神被称为“武士道”(Bushido)日文中,武士一词其本意是侍者,贴身随从。武士要遵守不畏艰难,忠于职守,精干勇猛。然而这一准则代表的只是理想,武士的忠诚、勇猛是建立在他所效忠的领主能对武士所作出的贡献给予奖赏的主从制度上。8 PARA1Mr.Bull •即JohnBull,是约翰牛的意思。特指英国或英国人。在...
Samurai employed a range of weapons such as bows and arrows, spears and guns; but their most famous weapon and their symbol was the sword. Samurai were supposed to lead their lives according to the ethic code of bushido ("the way of the warrior"). Strongly Confucian in nature, Bushido ...