Pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate depending on students' capabilities Outline Introduce the idea of "minimal pairs" by writing a list on the board of a number of minimal pairs. For example: but - boot, sit - set, caught - cut, sing - song, etc. Practice comprehension skills by using...
1.Whattoteach?➢Sounds&PhoneticTranscription➢Stress➢Intonation➢Rhythm 2.Teachingsounds1)Soundssystem2)Perceptionpractice3)productionpractice 2).PerceptionPractice:identifyanddistinguishbetweendifferentsounds.minimalpairswhichordersameordifferentoddmanoutcompletion MinimalPairs willlidtillshipfillbadbeg welllad...
thecorrespondingletterwrittenonth.yseveraltimes,invitingdifferentstudents tothtoyaslisteners. 活动名称:BacktoClass 时间:10分钟 材料:5 准备时间:1分钟 课前准备:把字母分别写到纸上,把其它两像棍一样卷起来。 说明:复习字母、字母音和发音。把字母写到白板上。老师邀请两位学生到白板上来,给 这两位学生每人一...
Answer:Lookbeforeyouleap Riddle#3:CHIMADENA Answer:MadeinChina Riddle#4:Answer:MilkShake Riddle#5:THODEEPUGHT(3words)Answer:DeepinThought Riddle#6:LITTLELITTLELATELATE(4words)Answer:Toolittle,toolate.Riddle#7:(2words)Answer:Fallingasleep Riddle#7:(3words)Answer:Hearttoheart DistinguishingMinimalPair...
On the top, the first line, the words could be in pairs that differ by just a single phoneme, we call those minimal pairs. So you could have a word like "ship" and "shop" only one phoneme changes, the vowel. Then as you go on, they get more complicated. So then you could have...
Let’s say your lesson hook will take you 10 minutes, and you’re planning to have students work in pairs for 10 minutes and so on … you’ve already got 20 minutes of the lesson plan complete! Think About How Your Students Learn Crafting a lesson plan that can be differentiated to ...
Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers. (Please look at page 12 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)Discussion - E-waste Catastrophe STUDENT A’s...
Placement for spelling is based on the student’s knowledge of spelling rules and concepts rather than grade level, reading level, or the words a student has memorized. For example, we find that many students simply memorize easy words like “cat” and “kid” but have no idea why one ...
The OSD3358-SM RED board has several components that do not exist on the Lesson 2 board. Those components will need to be removed from the device tree to make it suitable for the Lesson 2 board. However, before doing this, you need to understand how the OSD3358-SM RED board device...
In the case of school S, three pairs of data points were added for students to compare, but at the post-lesson discussion teachers argued about whether these additional data were useful or not. The arguments were based on how students actually responded to the task in the lesson. Similar ...