Pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate depending on students' capabilities Outline Introduce the idea of "minimal pairs" by writing a list on the board of a number of minimal pairs. For example: but - boot, sit - set, caught - cut, sing - song, etc. Practice comprehension skills by using...
Wordsthatareexactlythesameexceptforonesoundarecalledminimalpair.Thesewords canhelpthestudentstofocusonthetargetsounds.Shipandsheepareminimalpairs. Repeatingthemwillhelpstudentslearnthedifferencweentheshortandlongvowel sounds. Beforeyoustartthisactivity,askyourstudentstosaytheletternameinthebottomleft corner.Thenpract...
MinimalPairMatch-up Howtoteach Minimalpair-Wordsthatareexactlythesameexceptforonesound.Thesewordscanhelp thestudentstofocusonthetargetsounds.Forexample,shipandsheep.Studentswillnotice thedifferencweeniandee. Beforeyoustartthisactivity,askyourstudentstosaytheletternameonthebottomleft ...
Let’s say your lesson hook will take you 10 minutes, and you’re planning to have students work in pairs for 10 minutes and so on … you’ve already got 20 minutes of the lesson plan complete! Think About How Your Students Learn Crafting a lesson plan that can be differentiated to ...
Minimal Pairs ESL Cards 4. Tongue Twisters Oddly enough, tongue twisters are an effortless way to get your students talking. Practice each tongue twister, and have your students try to show off their English skills. Pro tip: they love it if you can say a tongue twister in their native lan...
This is basically a ready-made British English pronunciation course on YouTube. Not a single sound is missing! What I like the most about these pronunciation videos is that they focus on contrasting sounds and minimal pairs as well. Can be used both in class and at home. ...
From Boring to Exploring: Utilising a Location Finder Website to Teach Minimal Pairs Teachers trained outside of the European Economic Area who wish to teach in England are required to obtain qualified teacher status (QTS) within four years... R Rangsarittikun - 《Humanising Language Teaching》...
Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers. (Please look at page 12 of thePDFto see a photocopiable example of this ...
Placement for spelling is based on the student’s knowledge of spelling rules and concepts rather than grade level, reading level, or the words a student has memorized. For example, we find that many students simply memorize easy words like “cat” and “kid” but have no idea why one ...
In pairs, students can write the alphabet down on a piece of paper. Then, they have to think of a body part for each letter. The winner is the team with the most words at the end of the allotted time. For example:B = back