點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 help 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 Tan-Lao-Shi老師 學生們也學習了 NUR 211 Final 老師550個詞語 Chinese Socrative Practice 7個詞語 L5 SR 10個詞語 MMX I2U401 杜甫草堂 老師40個詞語 Mumu - Gwen Moffat 老師13個詞語
Quiz 3 Chinese 195個詞語 johnwillisnice 預覽 Lesson 2 56個詞語 cougar562 預覽 ESL 17個詞語 SuperEmilyHuang 預覽 7th Grade-Midterm Review-Questions and Sentences 老師38個詞語 Min_Yan17 預覽 Integrated Chinese Level 1 Unit 7 17個詞語 kimberlyl132 預覽 填空section7-生词 33個詞語 Mengtian_Wang4...
Note: Students are likely to love this homework assignment because you’ve basically written the composition for them. Therefore, it’s important to work on the fixed impressive phrases in future classes. You can do that using this scrambled sentence quizlet set: http://quizlet.com/_gmid2 Po...
1 / 7 用學習模式學習 Airplane 選擇正確的詞語 1 Itterasshai 2 Hiko-ki 3 Nan gatsu 4 Densha 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(24) Shutcho Business trip Kaerimasu Return, go back Itterasshai See you (when someone leaves) Nen Year Yobi Day of the week Gatsu Month Nichi Day Densha Train Chika...
Healthcare Compliance 1-3 31個詞語 laurenesfeld 預覽 Personality vocab (complete) 45個詞語 quizlette85105968 預覽 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 28個詞語 laurenpickwoad 預覽 Leading and Managing Client Care 17個詞語 memeworldz 預覽 digestive process: stomach 8個詞語 alix0315 預覽 polyatomics 10個...
Chapter 22 Mastery Quiz (Young Adults) - Health Promotion 17個詞語 Cjcourtright24 預覽 Questions and Answers! 729個詞語 quizlette809071256 預覽 COPY Biology-Unit 2: Edulastic review questions 16個詞語 NatashaEnis_ 預覽 English Final 39個詞語 quizlette10605710 預覽 To Kill a Mockingbird Part ...
1 / 7 Added or extra. 選擇正確的詞語 1 extra 2 memorize 3 advice 4 additional 本學習集中的詞語(10) act Something that is done. A show that is put on. One of the main parts of play. additional Added or extra. advice Ideas or suggestion offered to help someone with a problem or sit...
Medical Terminology Related to Pregnancy and Health 24個詞語 isabella_gregory10 預覽 Suffix 22個詞語 quizlette39278244 預覽 Abbreviations and Symbols 14個詞語 Xaylaaa2 預覽 Medical Terminology- Chapter 2 10個詞語 lane_turner13 預覽 Chapter 14 A+P Terminology Quiz 16個詞語 smcosma01 預覽 Latin II...
prev ch 7 quiz 11個詞語 iechoii 預覽 carotid and aortic d/o 89個詞語 catsker 預覽 Electrolytes 54個詞語 Hannah_Ziegele2 預覽 Introduction Quiz 14個詞語 purnimaaN 預覽 Diabetes (Mark Klimek) 13個詞語 alexfrankel 預覽 Cardiac Emergencies 68個詞語 Mhodson014 預覽 RCP #9 : Seizures 5個詞語 Ge...
1 / 7 用學習模式學習 body, health (shēn tǐ) 選擇正確的詞語 1 下雪 2 暖 3 下大雨 4 身體 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(28) 昨天 yesterday (zuó tiān) 明天 tomorrow (míng tiān) 天氣 weather (tiān qì) 下雪 to snow (xià xuě) ...