Our hometown has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from what__it__used__to__be a few years ago. 2.Some users worry that they are spending so much time in virtual worlds that they are becoming afraid of meeting people in the real world.一些网民开始担心自己在...
18. Play a game Games are a great tool to use for cause-and-effect lesson plans. As an added bonus, games can be played independently. When a student finishes early or has some free time, have them test their mastery of cause-and-effect by having them play free online games that will...
UNIT1LIFECHOICESLESSON1LIFESTYLESthewayinwhichapersonoragroupofpeoplelivesandworks Whateveryoudo,doitahundredpercent. Whatkindoflifestyledoyouhave?tochatwithfriendsonlinetodoschoolworktoplaysportstosurftheInternettogorunningtoreadbookstodovoluntaryworkWhatkindofactivityisabigpartofyourlife? Whatkindofactivityisa...
We paid off our mortgage after ten years. 1. I was no more prepared to be caught speeding than I was prepared to explain why I should be permanently employed teaching English at a community college. (line 2, para.2) Difficult Sentences 我没有做好超速被抓的思想准备,正如我没有做好让我...
But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.’ ...
very___,butIfind___very___.relaxingstressfulUnderstandingandCopingwithStressLesson2Unit1LifeChoicesDr.Kingistalkingaboutstressinaradiointerview. Dr.King(Interviewee)IntervieweranswersquestionsasksquestionsWhatdoyouthinkwillbediscussedintheradiointerviewEx.2causesofstresskindsofpeoplesufferingfromstressdifferentlevelso...