我一般不是很喜欢纯方法论型的self-help 的书,这类书大部分时候靠迎合读者心理赚钱,作者自己也未必是按照他所说的方法来执行的。这本书在GoodReads 上的评价也不是很好。 对于从科学角度对学习方法的讨论,我觉得 Coursera 上的 Learning How to Learn 还不错,有人写了一篇简短的介绍。 发布于 2020-10-21 15...
在国外知名书评网站Goodreads上,有网友对这本书给出了这样的评价: It gets four stars for the simple truth of the opening lines. (书开头前几句阐述的道理就值四颗星了) 他指的是下面这个开头: Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because ...
I’ll have a new book announcement very soon… In the meantime, my travels are over for the year, and there’s nothing currently on the schedule for 2025. So I’m clearing out what remains of my book stock, and offering free (!!!) shipping from my online store atjeffstrand.bigcartel...
-33%US$9.99US$9.99 电子书定价:US$14.99US$14.99 So, You Made Something Awesome... Now What?: Marketing and Sales Guide for the Next... Minas Loekan 87 Kindle 版 US$2.99US$2.99 带图片的评论 查看所有照片 热门评论来自 美国 将所有评论翻译成中文...
leave us an honest reviews on Amazon and GoodReads. Heck, you don’t even have to write a review, just give us whatever stars out of five. The more reviews we have, the more visibility we will get when people see that their friends reviewed or starred whatever book. ...
——Anima, Goodreads Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture 《建筑中的复杂性与矛盾》 简介: 《建筑中的复杂性与矛盾》是美国建筑师罗伯特·文丘里于1966年由现代艺术博物馆出版的一本书。这本书被许多人认为是“后现代主义宣言”,批评了后现代主义的形式主义倾向,其中功能和审美纯洁的最初要求来自于此。
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-GoodReads.com ~Great for kids and their parents!~ ANXIETY RELIEF BOOK FOR KIDS: ACTIVITIES TO UNDERSTAND AND OVERCOME WORRY, FEAR, AND STRESS by Ehrin Weiss, Ph.D. "The perfect introduction to anxiety books for kids, full of information and exercises to help kids build skills for fi...
To learn more about the author, visit Soujourner McConnell’s Amazon biographyHERE, or atWho’s that Indie AuthoronSherrie’s Always Write. Be sure to check out other books by Sojourner McConnell. Stop by to like herFacebook pageor follow Dolcey onGoodreads. ...
作者自己也未必是按照他所说的方法来执行的。这本书在 GoodReads 上的评价也不是很好。