through interactions between these various waves: essentially, I think it’s ‘injection-locking all the way down’. (Injection-lockingis when harmonic oscillators (like CSHWs) essentially ‘sync up’ their periods and phases.) Specifically: ...
hepcidin production begins in the liver. This tiny protein, which is composed of just 25 amino acid building blocks, then is released into the bloodstream and reaches the intestine, where one of its functions is to regulate the amount of iron absorbed into the ...
But in the world beyond the reach of God, there isn't any clause in the physical axioms which says "things have to make sense" or "big effects need big causes" or "history runs on reasons too important to be so fragile". There is no God toimposethat order, which is so severely vi...
When we start some new course of self-improvement, whether an exercise program, a spiritual practice or morning pages, we tend to expect immediate results. At least I do. And If I don’t see results pretty quickly, I tend to find reasons to stop doing the exercise. I decided this morni...
bleeding blast bitterly bass bake audiences attic ate asserted assault ashamed arteries arranging arch appearing anthony angular ample ambitious allowance alien alarm aims afterward administered adjust adequately abstraction writings wrapped wife's width waddell virtues vapor validity unpleasant underwater ulyate...
[BLOCKED BY STBV] 7 Tips To Stay More Focused Throughout The Day in 2015 - Social Nurse Web- […] Starting your morning off in such a manner will damage your mood immediately and your day will be destined… [BLOCKED BY STBV] 8 Reasons Morning Pages Make You Feel Better- […] each...