As a result, the country faces challenges related to unsustainable use of traditional forms of biomass and exposure to high and unstable oil import prices. There are relatively abundant renewable energy resources in the form of hydro, solar and wind. The average daily solar radiation in Lesotho ...
Since 1983, China has completed several aid projects in Lesotho, such as the Lesotho National Library, Manthabiseng Convention Center, the Parliament building, the Phase I of the Mafeteng Solar Power Plant Project, and technical cooperation projects such as vegetable planting, biogas technical guidan...
Lesotho, a mountainous nation in southern Africa, is the coldest country in the continent. Thabane explains that cold temperatures are good for solar power because “solar panels generate electricity from sunlight not heat. A bright and cold day is more ideal than a bright and extremely hot day...
Frazer Solar had in April 2021, successfully petitioned the Gauteng High Court to endorse the award and allow it to garnish Lesotho’s revenue from the sale of water to South Africa in terms of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project treaty entered into by the two countries in 1986. However, Dr...
According to International Water Power on February 12, the Boston Hydro project on a river within the Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme is set to begin commercial operations in July 2025. The company also announced that it is joining neighbouring South Africa's first wind-hydro-solar wheeling ...