It goes on to discuss the impact that each one of the Chapter II and Chapter III provisions has on labour relations, thereby determining the extent to which there exists an intersection between constitutional law and labour law. It also brings to the fore the judicial interventions that have ...
To control for cost and demand shocks at the outlet level, we follow Álvarez and Hernando (2007b) and include dummy variables that equal one if outlets assessed as important or very important the role of labour costs (Labour costs) and demand (Demand) in driving price changes. To control...
Hall, S., Critcher, C., Jefferson, T., Clarke, J., & Roberts, B. (1978).Policing the crises: Mugging, the state, and law and order.London: MacMillan Press. Hewer, R., Motaung, E., Mathope, A. & Meyer, D. (2005). Social market...