The tibial nerve P30 potential was studied in 6 patients with focal lesions located in the vicinity of the cervicomedullary junction. P30 potential was unaffected while cortical P39 was abnormal in the patients with a supramedullary lesion affecting the somatosensory pathway just above its decussat...
Neural generators of tibial nerve P30 somatosensory evoked potential studied in patients with a focal lesion of the cervico- medullary junction. Muscle Nerve 1996; 19: 1538-48.Tinazzi M, Zanette G, Bonato C, et al. Neural generators of tibial nerve P30 somatosensory evoked potential studied in...
Tibial fracturesInfra patellar branchSaphenous nerveIatrogenic injury to the infrapatellar branches of saphenous nerve is a common complication following tibial nailing. This lesion seems to be directly related to the surgical approach adopted for nail insertion. The aim of the present study was to ...