Naves, Y.R.; Grampoloff, A.V. Etudes sur les matieres vegetales volatiles XX. Sur la composition de l'extrait ethero-petrolique (essence concrete). de la fleur de jasmin. Helv. Chim. Acta, 1942, 25, 1500-1514.Naves Y R , Etudes sur les matiere vegetales volatiles XL2 V I. Sur...
Examination of carvomenthol, isocarvomenthol and neocarvomenthol by IR.-and NMR.-spectroscopy confirms their stereochemistry established by JOHNSTON & R EAD and by B OSE .The p -1(7),8-menthadien-2-ol of Gingergrass oil and Cymbopogolz densiflorus oil has cis -structure....
Pressure parameters, e.g., peak pressure, maximum force, time of occurrence, and contact time in different foot sub-regions and duration of activation, normalized EMG amplitude, and frequency content of selected muscles of shank were calculated.Results showed an alteration of the gait pattern in ...
ExerciseSignal TransductionMechanotransduction, CellularMechanical stress on the heart can lead to crucially different outcomes. Exercise is beneficial because it causes heart muscle cells to enlarge (hypertrophy). Chronic hypertension also causes hypertrophy, but in addition it causes an excessive increase ...
modelnadoroualidiaThe objective of this work is to develop an aquatic ecosystem and apply it on Moroccan lagoon systems. This model will keep us abreast of the yearly development of the main parameters that characterize these ecosystems while integrating all the data that have so far been ...
A discriminant vector is calculated and used to classify single sweeps from different subjects. The selected averaging shows an increasing of the signal to noise ratio for every tested subject specially for the method based on Gaussian curves.Cheston, PaulBibliogr...
Finally, I describe my participation to the Virgo commissioning, which primarily consists in working on control systems for the system of laser beam injection and their optimization.doi:10.5170/CERN-1960-003...
This manuscript describes the development of new reactions for the difunctionalization of alkenes that involve dirhodium(II)-catalyzed nitrene transfers.The first part of the studies focuses on the reactivity of elec...
Finally, polarisation mode dispersion and vectorial modulational instability in the microstructured fibre are studied.Lavender, PaulNotes Bibliogr
Considering transcutaneous skin PO(2), treatment with AEPL in areas of venous microangiopathy is beneficial in the prevention of ulceration and improves skin healing.doi:10.1177/000331970405500602M R CesaroneG BelcaroE IppolitoA RicciM RuffiniM DugallBibliogr...