lutte contre les violences conjugales (23 et 24/11) 法国驻华大使馆 ambassadefrance 2023-12-01 19:35 发表于 北京 9èmeédition du séminaire franco-chinois contre les violences domestiques venue de deux magistrates fran...
Les violences conjugales pendant la grossesse: depistage et orientation par les soignants, J. Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod, Volume 34, supplement au n 1, 2S62-2S67.Henrion R. Les violences conjugales au cours de la grossesse : depistage et orientation par les soignants. J Gynecol Obstet ...
"Les consequences des violences conjugales sur la sante des femmes et leur prise en charge en medecine de premier recours". Discussion : Les violences familiales. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2002;186(6):949-61.Lebas J, Morvant C, Chauvin P. Les consequences des violences conjugales sur la ...
Using a qualitative approach of medical practice, the aim of this study was to specify the difficulties and pitfalls that practitioners are confronted with regarding persons suffering from domestic violence. Nineteen practitioners agreed to participate in an assessment of their attitude towards the ...
Barriers to disclosure that may be linked to the women include the fear of being judged, the fear the practitioner will doubt the existence of violence and the belief that he is helpless regarding the situation. Barriers can also be linked to the practitioner himself such as lack of attention...
The article analyzes the parameters that are necessary to be considered on the level of the individual and family contexts in which violence towards the minors of age fits. Secondly, we propose to go through the various possible repercussions following the violent interactions and approach some ...
Intimate partner violenceManHistorically, intimate partner violence has been ignored and minimized, despite its seriousness and widespread prevalence in our culture. In the past three decades, many studies have addressed the question of the impact of intimate partner violence on physical or mental ...