Many of the enrichment cultures have focused on microbes that grow best above 80°C (hyperthermophiles). Most of these organisms fall within the Archaea, and include over 20 different reports of new members of the heterotrophic and sulfur-reducing Thermococcales. Other archaea that have been ...
Similar to the situation with other beneficial microbes, hormone changes during mycorrhizal symbiosis tend to be more complicated under conditions of salt stress, and the results are generally not conclusive (Ludwig-Müller, 2010). Jahromi et al. (2008) found that Glomus intraradices (Glomerales, ...
Les ruminants ont évolué, et avec eux les microbes de leur panse, pour digérer la cellulose, des glucides insolubles et non comestibles pour les humains, qui est le constituant principal des cellules végétales (herbe). En paissant dans des environnements reculés impossibles à convert...
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Tout comme la flore intestinale, le microbiome cutané est composé de millions de bactéries, de champignons et d’autres microbes. Ils sont toutefois bien plus que de simples compagnons de route : ils aident votre peau à paraître et à se sentir au mieux de sa forme. Vous pouvez main...
étude révèle que les couples ensemble de longue date ont bien plus de bactéries en commun que deux illustres inconnus. Par ailleurs, plus les couples s’embrassent souvent, plus ils échangent de microbes conjoints. En effet, pour ceux qui...
Species are hypothesized to have low competitive ability against neighboring microbes, which interferes with their laboratory isolation on routine media. The dataset is unbalanced in that a large part of the extant biodiversity has not been analyzed by molecular methods, novel taxonomic entities being ...
The comprehensive compilations of ECM data of Agerer (1987–2008) include also identified and/or potential species ofSebacina. Micromorphological, chemical, ecological and colour characters ofSebacinaECMs have been summarized by Agerer (1991,2006): ECM brownish, short distance exploration types, eman...
The diversity of airborne microbes also varies with the sampling area. For example, members of the order Clostridiales derived from cattle feedlot manure dominate the particle type emitted to the atmosphere in rural agricultural areas, whereas the order Flavobacteriales of the phylum Bacteriodetes ...
In this type of competition, microbes either use nutrients from the environment by limiting their availability to the competitors or secretion of molecules that harvest nutrients. Both processes lead to competitive exclusions and the growth of one strain over the others. The coexistence of strains in...