AnatomyDistal radio-ulnar jointProximal radio-ulnar jointForearmBiceps brachii musclePronator quadratusPronator teres muscleSupinator muscleRadiusUlnadoi:10.1016/j.kine.2016.02.011Michel DufourElsevier Masson SASKinésithérapie la Revue
Ischemic and anoxic necrosis of the muscles of the forearm and hand (Volkmann's contracture)[LES NECROSES ISCHEMIQUES ET ANOXIQUES DES MUSCLES DE L'AVANT BRAS ET DE LA MAIN] 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者: J Gosset 摘要: The author studied the various causes of Volkmann's ...
S. MetralLaboratoire d'Exploration Fonctionnelle du Système Nerveux, Centre Hospitalier de Bicêtre, 78, rue du Général Leclerc, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (FranceElsevier B.V.Revue Delectroencéphalographie Et De Neurophysiologie Clinique
SAINT GIRONS, M.-C.Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New YorkMammaliaCaubère, B., H. Menu, and M-C. Saint-Girons. 1968 . Notes sur les Mammifères de France VII. Dimensions de l'avant-bras de Rhinolophus ferrumequinum . Mammalia 32: 95 – 103. ....
F LaunayJ L JouveJ M GuillaumeE ViehwegerM JacquemierG BolliniArmand ColinAnnée PsychologiqueTanguy A (1990) Fracture des deux os de l'avant-bras chez l'enfant. Cahier d'enseignement de la SOFCOT no 38. Expansion scientifique française, Paris, pp 115–28...
The clinical signs were dominated by the development of a generally painless soft mass over the anterior compartment of the forearm and/or the elbow. Two patients presented nervous lesions signs of the ulnar or median nerves. The feeder pedicle was the ulnar artery in five cases and radial ...
avant-braspression intramusculaireaponévrotomiechronic compartment syndromeforearmintramuscular pressureaponevrotomyThe chronic non-traumatic compartinent syndrome of the forearms cire quite rare. They are caracterized by an increase of the intramuscular pressure in a closed compartment disturbing the ...
This enabled derotation of the wrist which was maintained for six to eight weeks in a brachiopalmar cast. Mean correction of pronation was 51掳. There were no cases of vascular or nervous complications and healing was uneventful. The esthetic outcome was very satisfactory. Surgery is not ...
Avant-brasSyndrome des logesReplantationForearmCompartment syndromeSummary In order to avoid the risks of local and general complications encountered in replantations after long (“critical”) periods of ischemia, or in cases of severe open fractures with crushed muscles, a so-called “muscle elementar...
FasciotomyEndoscopyForearmIntroduction. – Chronic exertional compartment syndrome of the forearm is probably underdiagnosed as a cause of forearm pain in the sportsman. Its pathological basis is a critical elevation of extracellular pressure. The clinical diagnosis is confirmed by measurements of intra...