At the turn of the seventeenth century, George Chapman's four French tragedies are one of the most significant testimonies on the political and philosophical mutations in the English society. Through the staging of the contemporary history of France under Henry III and...
In the second part, we analyze the relationship between parodies and the parodied genres (operas, detached airs, cantatas and instrumental pieces) through the prism of associated composers, as well as the works, by trying to determine the publishers’ motivationsCockburn, PatrickBibliogr...
The tendency with increasing voltage, as observed by Raman spectroscopy, is to reach a similar behavior to that of annealed amorphous carbon.doi:10.1002/app.1967.070110609GrellierM. RWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyJournal of Applied Polymer Science...
Saberian‐Broudjenni MWild GMidoux NCharpentier J. CWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyCanadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringSaberian-Broudjenni, M., Wild, G., Midoux, N., Charpentier, J. C (1985) Contribution a l’etude du transfert de chaleur a la paroi dans les ...
The Barracuda Ridge and the Tiburon Rise, two oceanic-basement ridges, lie in the western Atlantic Ocean, where oceanic lithosphere of the North American (NAM) and South American (SAM) plates is subducted beneath the Caribbean plate, creating the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc and the Barbados ...
Moreover, this method is able to give indications of the life time on different sites. We also give an evaluation of the limits of the method.S. CombrissonB. RoquesP. RignyJ. J. Basseliercanadian journal of chemistry
Objectives The primary objective of this study was to determine the proportion of cases of gastro-enteritis due to rotavirus in children under 5 years of age consulting community physicians. A secondary objective was to compare the clinical characteristics of children with and without rotavirus acute ...
Besides considering twisting deformations, we also explore the possibility of creating band gap when graphene nanoribbons are subject to inhomogeneous deformation such as sinusoidal deformations.doi:10.1142/9789814383721_0013Pernicek, OtiliaInternational Journal of High S...
It finds natural genetic variation among Arabidopsis accessions for resistance against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica, identifies several QTL for nematode resistance, and fine-maps one of these resistance QTL.Mukhaimar, Maisara
Lawrence Lowlands were submitted to standard and experimental laboratory tests to evaluate their potential alkali-reactivity in concrete. Among these, only the Trenton and Black River limestones with more than 6% insoluble residues produced excessive expansion in the concrete prism test, the most ...