Usually, I visit a new venue the day before to check out its layout and AV facilities so I am ready to go when the first attendee walks in. On this occasion, I landed the night before, so my first chance to see the room was an hour before the scheduled commencement. The setup for ...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: GORDANABABIOLesdiscussionschristologiquesetledicrdeseglisesbyzantinesauΧΠβsiecleLes£v£quesofficiantdevantTHotimasieetdevantTAmnosGr ce auxicriisd'AnneComn&ie,deNic£tasChoniat£s,deCinnamos,dememequ'auxactesdesconcileseccl^siastiquestenusaConstantin...
Let me preface my findings by saying that the conferences and workshops I mainly to go to are designed for psychologists and neuroscientists to keep up to date with current practices and research. It is from these but I have learnt what constitutes the current practices of scientific presenting ...
LaMiseenscènedelaviequotidienne,Paris 1973.Gouyou, Marie/Grobon, Sébastien/Malard, Louis : Activités et conditions d’em-ploi de la main-d’œuvre pendant la crise sanitaire Covid-19, ds. :DARES,29/07/2021, https ://
doi:10.1016/S0399-077X(16)30584-4Le Gouas, A.Ahmar, M.Dememe, V.Levavasseur, F.Batouche, C.Lefèbvre, C.Caron, F.Gueit, I.Elsevier SASMédecine Et Maladies Infectieuses
looks like it could be a late night on Day 1 (Wednesday) if the crowd asks me to go over additional features in a potential update. Actually, to do so removes some pressure to be spot on with my choice of materials and ideas the attendees could be exposed to… I’m quite happy to...
Those who are easily confused by such graphs will just turn off completely and go play Angry Birds or Candy Crush. But there are ways and means for using this in a live presentation and still stay in control of your presentation. Left as it is with the speaker likely using a laser ...