Quels enjeux pour les soins bucco-dentaires sous anesthésie générale chez les adultes? - ScienceDirectChirurgie dentaire (anesthésie)Dental surgery (anesthesiology)Common dental acts sometimes require to be performed under general anesthesia. This article describes the development of an adult ...
Levi Spear Parmly (1790-1859) was one of the outstanding dental practitioners and teachers in the early part of the eighteenth century, both in America and Europe. He published two highly regarded books, practiced and taught in London for several years, before returning to America, where he be...
We wanted to know if there is a relationship between the consumption of medical care and the consumption of dental care, and if so if the relationship is especially strong for people with chronic disease. Methods: We conducted a longitudinal study that combined two data-sets: consumption data ...
Iconography : Quels enjeux pour les soins bucco-dentaires sous anesthésie générale chez les adultes ?Common dental acts sometimes require to be performed under general anesthesia. This article describes the development of an adult consultation for dental care under general anesthesia at hospital ...
Problèmes éthiques soulevés par les soins dentaires chez la personne en situation de handicapDisabled personsDental ethicsPhysical restraintEthical reflectionsThe topic of informed consent takes its place in the discussion of medical ethics. The practice of dentistry on the vulnerable confronts us ...
Réticences des soignants à réaliser les soins buccodentaires en gériatrie, FranceIn France, although there are 445,000 beds in nursing homes (NHs) for elderly people, no studies on the burden of infections in NHs have been published. We sought to estimate the prevalence of infection among ...