Florkin ( 1966 ) Les constituants osmotiquement aclifs des muscles et leur contribution à la régulation isosmotique intracellulaire chez Limulus polyphemus . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 19 : 729 – 736 .S. Bricteux-Grégoire, G. Duchâteau-Bosson, C. Jeuniaux and M. Florkin , Comp. ...
Streptococcus pyogenes * analysisStreptococcus pyogenes * immunologyAntigens, bacterialStreptococcus pyogenes * pathogenicityObjectives We aimed to determine associated ultrasonographic findings, chromosome abnormalities and the prognostic factors of cystic hygromas in live-born infants.doi:10.1016/S0335-7457(75...
les constituants de la matière 发音 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 法语维基词典 法语例句库用户正在搜索 惩戒性, 惩戒性的, 惩戒营, 惩前毖后, 惩前毖后,治病救人, 惩训队, 惩一儆百, 惩治, 惩治的, 椉, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute, (s)chelem, “分灶吃饭”, ...
[Les constituants glucidiques des... G Nunez,J Spiteri - PubMed 被引量: 1发表: 1952年 [The carbohydrate constituents of the water pressed from olive in the manufacture of olive oil; presence of many oses] The carbohydrate constituents of the water pressed from olive in the manufacture ...
doi:10.1002/hlca.19630460330Y.LaboratoiresR.LaboratoiresNavesLaboratoiresA.LaboratoiresV.LaboratoiresGrampoloffLaboratoiresE.LaboratoiresDemoleLaboratoiresWileyHelvetica chimica acta
In this context, six various types of mineral fillers are incorporated in the formulations: barium sulphate, calcium carbonate, pulverized caEcole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada).Boukehili, Hychem.Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada).
It is demonstrated by comparison of absolute of lavender and oil of lavender that the β-caryophyllene contained in the latter is an artefact.Helvetica Chimica ActaYves-René NavesPaul OchsnerPaul Tullen
Moreover, the results showed that the efficiency of oxone in enhancing the in vitro digestibility decreased when the moisture content of wheat straw increased.doi:10.1080/09593339109385058Bonnet, M CDe Laat, J.Dore, M.Lila, B.Taylor & Francis GroupEnvironmental Technology Letters...
La membrane plasmiqueAm茅lie G
A decrease in the carbohydrates and lipids of the test during the first week of starvation emphasizes the importance of the test as a storage organ.doi:10.1007/BF00390746L. FenauxG. MalaraR. CharraSpringer-VerlagMarine Biology