An important issue in autoimmune diseases mediated by T cells, such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), is the affinity of the disease-inducing determinants for MHC class II proteins. Tolerance, either due to clonal deletion or anergy induction, is thought to require high-affinity ...
The infrared spectra of cis and trans 1,2-dimethyl-, 1,2-diethyl-, 1,2-methylethyl-and 1,2-methylpropylcyclopentane isomers have been recorded in the frequency range from 400 to 3000 cm –1 . Assignments of some fundamentals are possible in a few cases when comparison of the spectra with...
Kinetic studies of the substitution of isomeric N -methyl-halogeno-1,2,4-triazoles with piperidine or the methoxide ion have been carried out. The experimental results show that the 1-mcthyl-5-halogcno isomer is more reactive than the 4-methvl-3-halogeno isomer. Various theoretical ...
Aujourd’hui, l’homme, par les progrès techniques qu’il développe, défie les limites autrefois imposées par la nature, en colonisant des milieux parfois extrêmes. En outre, il accroît sa vulnérabilité en s’exposant plus directement aux aléas naturels, mais surtout, il génère ...
The observed changes in an alcoholic solution have been proven to be the result of elimination followed by photochemical reduction. Similar conclusions have been reached in the case of quinone dibromides.J. Y. SavoieP. Brassardcanadian journal of chemistry...
NAVES Y R,GRAMPOLOFF A V. Etudes sur les matières végétales volatiles CLXXV.Sur les produits obtenus à partir de l' ozonolyse du (+)-△3-carène[J].Helvetica Chimica Acta,1961,(03):637-642.Naves, Y. R., Lamparsky, D., & Ochsner, P. (1961). Etudes sur les matieres ...
NAVES Y R,GRAMPOLOFF A V. Etudes sur les matières végétales volatiles CLXXV.Sur les produits obtenus à partir de l' ozonolyse du (+)-△3-carène[J].Helvetica Chimica Acta,1961,(03):637-642.NAVES Y R , GRAMPOLOFF A V. Etudes sur les matieres vegetales volatiles CLXXV. Sur ...
Mass spectrometric investigation of cis and trans decalines shows an influence of geometrical isomerism on the behavior of these two compounds under electron bombardment. Qualitatively mass spectra are identical, but quantitatively differences appear between relative abundances of molecular ions and most ...
Mass spectrometry investigation of cis and trans di- t -butylethylenes has been carried out by the study of the effect of electron energy on mass spectra, measurement of ionization and appearance potentials and examination of metastable transitions. It is shown that the geometrical isomerism ...
In some hydrogen-bonded complexes, the bonding proton can occupy two positions, such as the motion from the first to the latter does not modify the general aspect of the complex. To this class belong, for instance, the ammonium-amine complexes, the four-centers transition complexes between OH...