RESULTS: Adherence of unstimulated and rhIL-5 (10 ng/ml)-stimulated eosinophils from allergic ponies to rhIL-1beta-treated EDVEC was significantly greater than that of cells from normal ponies. Pretreatment of EDVEC with supernatants from stimulated eosinophils from both groups of ponies ...
The variation of apparent heat capacity at infinite dilution of iPrOH as a function of NaDS concentration shows the existence of a transition in the micellar structure around 0.3 m.Vladimir MajerAlain-Henri RouxGeneviève Roux-DesgrangesAndréViallardcanadian journal of chemistry...
doi:10.1111/j.1758-6631.1969.tb02019.xKitagawaDaisukeBlackwell Publishing LtdInternational Review of Mission
The objective of this doctoral thesis is to put forth the role of psychology in the fluctuations of production, redistribution and inequalities. Our work is centered on two axes : i) the importance of psychology with regards to inequalities in determining individual beliefs about the role of ...
Considering transcutaneous skin PO(2), treatment with AEPL in areas of venous microangiopathy is beneficial in the prevention of ulceration and improves skin healing.doi:10.1177/000331970405500602M R CesaroneG BelcaroE IppolitoA RicciM RuffiniM DugallBibliogr...
In some hydrogen-bonded complexes, the bonding proton can occupy two positions, such as the motion from the first to the latter does not modify the general aspect of the complex. To this class belong, for instance, the ammonium-amine complexes, the four-centers transition complexes between OH...