A OBRA CIENTFICA DE LEONARDO DA VINCI: CONTROVRSIAS NA HISTORIOGRAFIA DA CINCIAdoi:10.1590/S0101-31732016000200004Interpreters of Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts share the same feelings of astonishment and fascination when they examine his contribution to modern science. H...
Patología ocular en la obra de Leonardo da Vinci (III): Estudio comparativo entre la Mona Lisa y la copia del Museo del Prado Eye pathology in the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci (III): Comparative study between the Mona Lisa and the copy in the Prado Museum in Madrid Full-Text E. ...
obra de arte Foto: Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain. La última cena es una pintura mural original de Leonardo da Vinci ejecutada entre 1495 y 1498. Se encuentra…Milano Cadorna estación de ferrocarril Foto: Paolobon140, CC BY-SA 4.0. Milano Cadorna es una estación de ferroc...
Es autor de más de 60 libros en las áreas de Teología, Espiritualidad, Filosofía, Antropología y Mística. La mayor parte de su obra ha sido traducida a los principales idiomas modernos.
Leonardo da Vinci's Paragone is often taken as the first significant testimony of the newly acquired status of the Renaissance artist in society. It is not clear, however, how much input (if any) Leonardo had in its composition. It seems, in fact, that the work was largely compiled from...