"Leonardo da Vinci: Man, Inventor, Genius" focuses mainly on da Vinci's work as an inventor, only briefly mentioning "The Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," paintings that the best-seller claims contain secret messages about Jesus and Mary Magdalene.But the exhibit proves truth can be more...
"Leonardo da Vinci: Man, Inventor, Genius" focuses mainly on da Vinci's work as an inventor, only briefly mentioning "The Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," paintings that the best-seller claims contain secret messages about Jesus and Mary Magdalene.But the exhibit proves truth can be more...
The most comprehensive collection of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci ever assembled in the United States, is on exhibit at the1)Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibition is taken from major collections from around the world, and features many pieces not seen in public since the 193...
Profile: Exhibit in Rome featuring the inventions of Leonardo da VinciROBERT SIEGEL
DA MAN, DA LEGEND; Leonardo da Vinci exhibit set to fill the halls at MACJim Kershner
Master Draftsman at Work ; through His Sketches, Leonardo Da Vinci Is Revealed in a New York ExhibitPicturing Leonardo da Vinci in today's mobile society is nostretch. One can easily imagine him...Strickland, Carol
Setting the stage for Leonardo - Museum of Science prepares for the only U.S. stop by vast da Vinci exhibit.Palumbo, Mary Jo