Leonard Susskind is the Felix Bloch professor of Theoretical physics at Stanford University. His research interests include string theory, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics and quantum cosmology. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, and the American Academy...
Leonard Susskind (born 1940)[1] is the Felix Bloch Professor of Theoretical Physics at Stanford University. His research interests include string theory, quantum field theory, quantum statistical mechanics and quantum cosmology.[2] He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences,[4] and the ...
斯坦福 粒子物理 III:超对称与大统一理论 (Stanford, Supersymmetry and Grand Unification)【英】 1.1万播放 斯坦福 量子纠缠:第一部分 & 第二部分 (Stanford, Quantum Entanglements Part I & II)【英】 9107播放 斯坦福 广义相对论 (PHYSICS 262, General Relativity, Leonard Susskind)【英】 6352播放 斯坦福 ...
斯坦福 粒子物理 III:超对称与大统一理论 (Stanford, Supersymmetry and Grand Unification)【英】 1.1万播放 斯坦福 量子纠缠:第一部分 & 第二部分 (Stanford, Quantum Entanglements Part I & II)【英】 9107播放 斯坦福 广义相对论 (PHYSICS 262, General Relativity, Leonard Susskind)【英】 6352播放 斯坦福 ...