AmoK LEO Translator gives you access to LEO from your local Desktop PC. Just press a hotkey and the current word in the clipboard will be translated. Features: + Access to complete database of LEO + Translates German, English, French and Spanish + Need just a few kb in memory ...
Ideler (German astronomer 1766–1846, translator of Kazwini, an Arabian astronomy book) surmised that the stars of Leo Minor were the Arabs’Al Thiba’ wa-Auladuha, the Gazelle with her Young. ArabicThibameaninggazelleand is related to the nameTabitha. The nameTabithais derived from an Arama...
“search out” and uncover the meanings suggested by the different nuances suggested in the Hebrew language. Saadia Gaon, the ninth-century Jewish philosopher, and biblical translator and author of the Arabic Bible known as theTafsir, explained that all religious discourse is imprecise and bound by...
Translator/Projektmanager at pLuS – Localisation Services in Sindelfingen Main tasks: translation of texts (IT, hardware, software, marketing) from English into German, editorial, proofreading 4. LANGUAGES English fluent Spanish advanced French
In the bringing up and instruction of his family Tolstoy conformed in essentials to the requirements of his position. No experiments were attempted. English and German governesses were engaged, and their educational methods followed the usual routine. Both father and mother devoted a considerable amou...
Translations done so far:Japanese,Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Taiwan),Brazilian Portuguese,French,Spain Spanish,Latin American Spanish,Russian,German,Italian,Turkish,Polish,Vietnamese,Greek,Persian/Farsi,Hungarian,Catalan,Arabic,Bulgarian,Korean,Romanian,Ukrainian,Croatian,Swedish,Estonian,Czech,Latvian,Dutch...
Once I had the translator working, I converted the reversed ru-en model and then wrote two paraphrase scripts: fseq-paraphrase fsmt-paraphrase which took a sentence in the source language, translated it to another language and then translated the result of that back to the original languag...