In 1862, Tolstoy married Sophie Behrs, a marriage that was to become, for him, bitterly unhappy. His diary, started in 1847, was used for self-study and self-criticism; it served as the source from which he drew much of the material that appeared not only in his great novels War and...
Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) has been hailed by other literary giants as one of the world’s greatest writers. He is best known for his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.
Leo Tolstoy was a Russian novelist, essayist, and philosopher. He is best known for his two longest works, War and Peace and Anna Karenina, which are considered some of the greatest works of fiction ever written. He was also a committed pacifist and anarchist, and his ideas on nonviolent ...
“The Sevastopol Sketches” bring into stark relief the realities of military life during the Crimean War. And “Hadji Murat” paints a portrait of a great leader torn apart by divided loyalties. In writing about individuals and societies in conflict, Tolstoy has penned some of the most ...
Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) spent his youth in wasteful idleness until 1851, when he travelled to the Caucasus and joined the army, fighting in the Crimean war. After marrying in 1862, Tolstoy settled down, managing his estates and writing two of his best-known novels, "War and Peace" (1869...
Toplowise Leo Tolstoy维 #(W)Stod all the time earn mo列夫·托尔斯泰vi.It'people h new cult列夫·托尔斯泰是19世纪中期俄国批判现实主义作家,思diflerem想家和哲学家。 他创作了俄罗斯文学史上的巨著《战争与和平》It was和《安娜·卡列尼娜》等。 他的作品在世界文学中产生了巨大影Nanyan响。in Sing Leo...
a letter. For the first time you write to me on the Divinity of God. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Don’t say that we must not think about it. Not only we must, but we ought. In all ages the best people, the true people, have thought about it.” Tolstoy no...
Best Known For: Russian author Leo Tolstoy wrote the acclaimed novels 'War and Peace,' 'Anna Karenina' and 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich,' and ranks among the world's top writers. Industries Fiction and Poetry Astrological Sign: Virgo Schools University of Kazan Death Year: 1910 Death date: No...
The 1886 edition of War and Peace should not have been taken as a basis for the text, as all the evidence indicates that Tolstoy had no hand in revising it. In preparing War and Peace for the Jubilee Edition, the text based on the original manuscript was not followed. It is well kno...
Leo Tolstoy列夫·托尔斯泰列夫·托尔斯泰是19世纪中期俄国批判现实主义作家,思想家和哲学家。他创作了俄罗斯文学史上的巨著《战争与和平》和《安娜·卡列尼娜》等。他