Dates:July 23rd - August 22nd Symbol:Lion Zodiac Element:Fire Associated Colour:Orange Compatible Zodiac Signs:Aries and Sagittarius Leo Personality Traits:Confident, protective and dramatic In this article, we explore the Leo birthstones and the meanings behind them, including various other healing cr...
Cancer and Leo are two very different zodiac signs ... Cancer is very sensitive and ruled by the emotional Moon, while Leo is proud, brave, and ruled by the fiery Sun. To be influenced by both the Moon and the Sun can be incredibly beneficial, but also very challenging. If you can l...
Born on this Cusp, you are influenced by the Sun, the ruling planet of Leo, and Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo. You are big, bright, and shine over everyone, but you're also able to process, think, and talk about the tiny details. You have two strong forces encouraging you to...
Finally, some restful effect will be present for many people and societies. This moon comes with wisdom and peace. Our relationships with others are changing before our eyes and it always brings positive things. As the “new normal” has brought space between us and others, now more than eve...
Dates to watch out for, for Leos:June 6 to July 18whenVenus is in Leo. This is when we will look especially attractive to others, and receive favors. Then when itretrogradesback intoVenus LeoAug 1 to Sept 6, an old love may visit, email, or call, we may get back together with ...
Misunderstandings with your partner now can do serious damage if you (or your partner) focus on words said instead of meanings behind the words. If you need to talk through problems, do your best to be as non-judgmental as possible, and don't over-react to what your partner has to say...
Mercury rules communications and transportation, these two areas are most predisposed during a Mercury Retrograde. Discussions might be more difficult, as crossed signals and uncertain meanings complicate normally frank discussions. Still, with a little reflection and review, you’ll get your point ...
gives notice to the other parties hereto of his desire to amend, modify, or terminate this agreement, which notice shall be served not earlier than seventy-five (75) days nor later than sixty (60) days prior to June 30, 1974, or to succeeding termination dates at three (3) year interva...
When lovely Venus enters Leo, the most expressive of all the zodiac signs, we’re ready to shout our love from the rooftops. Leo is a Fire sign that’s all about creativity, showing off, and speaking from the heart, so this energy lights up love like a torch. Expect playful dates, ...