100 Things: Catch a Lenten Fish Fry with All the Trimmings ; Catholic Restrictions on Eating Meat on Friday Have Evolved into a Time-Honored Tavern Meal That Has Transcended Ethnic and Religious Boundaries' ' W here is the penance?" The question came from a devout young man baffled by the...
On Friday, Mr. M came home early enough to treat us toour very own fish fry. The only problem was, in spite of fasting for the pre-dinner part of the day, we still weren’t hungry enough to finish all the fish that got fried up. “Should we throw this out?” asks Mr. M afte...
Inspectors Just as Busy as Kitchens during Lent; Just as a Lenten Fish Fry at St. Margaret of Scotland School in Green Tree Was Getting into Full Swing on a Friday Last Year, the Cooking Crew Had an Unexpected Visitor. [Derived Headline] ...
Doppelbockis THEbeer of Lent; My Dinner Plate One Recent Friday Was an Embarrassment of Lenten Fish Fry Riches. the Battered Fried Cod Overwhelmed Its Sandwich Roll. Sides Included Pierogies and Sauteed Onions, Sour Cream, Macaroni and Cheese. [Derived Headline]...