Join now for instant access to March's 190+ pages of printables and resources! That’s it! I suppose you could go without the sand if you’re really worried about your kids making a mess of it, but my kids were pretty good about leaving it alone. (I don’t allow them to touch th...
My life grows richer because I move toward others, as I share myself with others, when I love others. I thank God that I learned this lesson young. My friendship quilt. Each cream square is signed by a friend. March 30, 2013
Lent is a collective rather than an individual journey in my experience, the Church’s solemn call and responsibility to do penance and grow in faith, a time for repentance, reflection, sacrifice and prayer in the hope of metanoia, that the Church and each of us who believe may be transfor...
But then yesterday,he forgot his cell phone at the end of class.He left it right on his desk.7noticed it was there except me.I decided to teach him a lesson.I took his phone quietly off the desk,and put it in my own bag.My8was to give it back to him the next day.I9wanted ...