In addition to praying during Lent, there are many Bible verses suitable for Lenten reflection and can be included in your reading during the Lenten season. These Scriptures are powerful reminders of the love God shows us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ: Joel 2:12:...
Savior: What the Bible Says about the Cross Join author Magrey deVega as he explores why Jesus died on the cross and how it brings us salvation in his new study Savior: What the Bible Says about the Cross. The cross is the central symbol of the Christian faith. But what exactly did...
your youth group, your high school students, your RCIA candidates, your catechists–anybody you know with a family. Or give it to the other teachers in your department, the people in your Bible study, the volunteers serving alongside you–anything that constitutes...
Please join us by ordering your copy now (onKindleorpaperback) you’ll receive it in good time to read along with us. You can alsodownload and print off your own copy of the study guidefor free, to fill in with us each week.
Scott Hahn will guide you to discover the powerful meaning behind Christ's seven last words. 0 A single, life-changing journey into the heart of our Savior’s love for you. Your Journey Your Guide Engage with the Scriptures in a profound way ...
Catholic Bible Study Catholic Living Catholic Social Teaching Church Leadership Devotions Jesus and the New Testament Mass and Liturgy Scripture Scripture and Tradition Tips for Starting a Group Bible Study Does the Bible Have Anything to do with My Life? Jesus and the New Testament Praying the Rosa...
2)Download the free40 Day Bible Reading Guideand begin the journey with a neighbor, Bible study group, significant other, BFF, mailman, or in-law. Encourage one another along the way and hold each other accountable to keep up on the reading. Several people who read the...
Use our free40-Day Lent Devotional Guideto lead you inprayerand scripture reading through the Lenten Season! Download your copyHERE. While the Bible does not mention the celebration of Ash Wednesday or command its practice, the Bible does mention ashes and dust in several places. The use of ...
Lent Bible Verses and Scriptures Ash Wednesday Prayer Ash Wednesday's Biblical Meaning and Purpose Holy Week Prayers Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Nambitomo Lia Girard is a seasoned writer and voice artist who formerly served as the Faith Editor for She is the author ofWisdom at...
Normally, our home already has Sacred Spaces – tables or tops of shelves where we have icons, candles, a Bible or statues. I share about the various spaces in our house in the postCreating a Sacred Space for Prayer. Today I’ll just be focusing about Lent. ...