FieldofView 视场角又称Angle:是指镜头视场范围的大小。具体值要考虑成像大小。/2 DistancetoImage Imageheight/2 FieldofView 大视场角 小视场角 EFLEffectiveFocalLength 有效焦距:镜头模组等效为一个成像单元时的焦距。EFL BFLBackFocalLength 后焦:镜头模组最后一个折射面到成像面的距离。BFL TTLTotalTrackLength ...
光学基础LENS术语解读篇 RovyXin2011、12、12 光学定义图 规格术语解读 1、EFL(EffectiveFocalLength)有效焦距 定义:指镜头中心到焦点的距离(图一)。镜头的焦距分为像方焦距和物方焦距(图二):像方焦距是指像方主面(后主面)到像方焦点(后焦点)的距离。物方焦距是指物方主面(前主面)到物方焦点(前...
be photographed and a plurality of plates, each plate having a lens field of view simulation aperture formed therethrough, each of the plates being hingedly attached to the central portion to allow movement of the plates into and out of register with the viewing aperture in the central portion...
Aperture-f/#, Field of View Module Z-Height and Image Quality. See how the Immervision 125 wide-angle lens is unique in delivering the highest image quality available in its category by combining key competitive specifications.
A: Normal human field of view/standard lens(40°-60°) B: Wide-angle lenses(>35mm) C: Ultra-wide-angle lenses(>24mm) As wide-angle lenses also emphasiseperspective,nearby objects will appear bigger and faraway objects will appear smallerin the resulting image. This is part of the charm ...
求翻译:130 deg field of view lens是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 130 deg field of view lens问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 看镜头130度场 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 130 deg视野透镜 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 130度视野透镜 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 130...
If Microsoft isn’t planning to drastically improve its HoloLens field of view, then that’s not good news for the headset’s initial prospects. It’s a widespread complaint amongst those who have used the headset both at Build and E3, and Microsoft’s response suggests very little is going...
Advanced Field of View Microscope Lens for Precise Observation US$359.00 1-19 pcs US$330.00 20-99 pcs US$310.00 100+ pcs Product Details Customization: Available Warranty: 1 Year Type: Stereomicroscope Contact Supplier Chat Still deciding? Get samples of US$ 559...
The field of view can be given in 2 different ways : 1) Object size : at a given distance, the frame will cover a certain height and a certain width. It depends on the focal length and the image size, wich is given by the format. ...
天眼查专利网为您提供Large-field-of-view lens 专利信息,该专利是OmniVision Technologies, Inc.的注册专利,A lens system and a for a caps...专利查询就上天眼查。