联想这款全面屏 Yoga Slim 9i 笔记本总感觉缺了点什么 | 作者 Dave2D | 机翻中字 6.9万 25 02:22 App 【我想开了】 全球最高98%屏占比 全球首款屏下摄像头 | YOGA Air X AI元启版 新品开箱 63.8万 423 01:58 App AMD新显卡 RX 9070XT 性能吊打4080s !售价低至3699 !显卡市场将彻底变天 !!
> Yoga Pro 9i (14, Gen 8) Yoga Pro 9i (14, Gen 8)Features Tech Specs Ports & SlotsPower, period This is power, period. Go beyond just raw processor speed for performance like never before, inspired by creators, equipped with 13th Gen Intel Core custom processors, and supercharg...
Yoga Pro 9i 配件 更多方式 展現自我 身為創意人,您需要能夠增強創作流程的工具,而不是阻礙它。Yoga 配件提供流暢的體驗,讓您能夠充滿信心地進行創新和創作。 選購配件 更多愛護 Yoga 專用 享受對於每台 Lenovo 裝置的持續安全與支援,透過 Lenovo 服務提供全方位的保障。
商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.1 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 联想(Lenovo)Yoga 9i 二合一笔记本电脑 14英寸OLED触摸显示屏 Intel Core Ultra 7 155H 16+1TB 专业创意人士 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税
Enjoy top-notch entertainment on the Yoga 9i Gen 7 (14" Intel) which boasts up to a 14" OLED display with 4K resolution, as well as 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors.
Enjoy top-notch entertainment on the Yoga 9i Gen 7 (14" Intel) which boasts up to a 14" OLED display with 4K resolution, as well as 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors.
The Yoga 9i 14" was engineered to put your experience first. It's packed with innovative features in a sleek 2-in-1 metal chassis with an optional leather cover in Shadow Black. The all-new Intel® Evo™ platform brings 11th Gen Intel® Core™ processors that enable you to explore...
突破性的双显示多模式笔记本电脑。价格:¥15500 便携本型号 Yoga Book 9i(13 英寸英特尔) 处理器型号 英特尔®酷睿™ Ultra 7 155U 处理器(E 核最高 3.80 GHz,P 核最高 4.80 GHz,带 Turbo Boost,12 核,14 线程,12 MB 缓存) 内存选项 16 GB LPDDR5X-7467MHz(焊接) 硬盘选项 1 TB SSD M.2 ...
Learn more about the Lenovo Slim Pro 9i (14″ Intel), a 14 inch laptop powered by 13th Gen Intel® Core™ processors, NVIDIA® RTX graphics, and X Power Hardware Boost.
Yoga 9i 二合一(14 英寸英特尔)笔记本电脑 准备好沉浸在华丽的 14 英寸 OLED 触摸屏显示屏上的惊人视觉效果以及由 Bowers & Wilkins 提供支持的充满房间的音响中。 瞄准目标 14 英寸 PureSight OLED 触摸屏将真实色彩与丝般顺滑的动作完美结合。VESA 认证的 DisplayHDR True Black 500 可让您看到更纯净的对比度...